Biete Echsen

Saturday HAMM LAST CALL Lizards and Natrix

clock.icon vor 12 Monaten - Ostrava

Hello, i have to offer:
0.0.4 Smaug mossambicus CB 06/23 --- 1800e for all
0.0.2 Lamprolepis ex Dasia smaragdina CB 11/22 --- 250e/per animal
0.0.2 Lamprolepis smaragdina CB 09/23 --- 200e/per animal
0.0.8 Natrix maura --- 90e/per animal, 550e/all
1.3 Ptychozoon kuhli CB breeding --- 500e/all, 150e for one female
1.1 Geckoella nebulosa CB breeding --- 450e/pair
1.1 Oedura castelnaui subadult --- 400e/pair
0.2 Heteronotia binoei laying eggs --- 75e/per animal
1.0 Aeluroscalabotes dorsalis LTC --- 150e

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