Biete Königspythons

Python Regius Desert Ghost Group

clock.icon vor einem Monat - Susteren

I have several Python Regius available to leave, both individually and in a group. The animals eat both frozen and live rats. Reason for sale is that they no longer fit within my future breeding plans.

Proven males:
1.0 Spotnose Desert Ghost
1.0 Red Stripe Het Desert Ghost
1.0 Spotnose Fire Het Clown Desert Ghost (Enhancer line)

Unproven males:
1.0 Orange Dream (Het Desert Ghost)
1.0 Pastel Enchi Fire Desert Ghost

Proven females:
0. 1 Pastel Mojave Het Desert Ghost
0.2 Pastel Het Desert Ghost
0.1 Pastel Fire Het Desert Ghost

Not proven females:
0.1 Desert Ghost
0.1 Ghi Pastave Het Desert Ghost

Pick up at the reptile fairs in Hamm (DE) and Houten (NL) is possible. These are old pictures, new pictures will follow as will the weights. Prices on request, realisatie bids are also welcome.

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