Biete Frösche

Pacman frog Ceratophrys Cranwelli Schmuckhornfrosch

clock.icon vor 7 Tagen - München

Available Ceratophrys Cranwelli:

1 green camo breeder male 120 Euro

Alpha Sub adult:
pastel morph 180E
lime green 4-dot 90E
green 4-dot 90E
blue-yellow 110E
yellow 4-dot 120E
Ultra yellow 150E

Medium size:
Lime green 4-dot 70E
green 4-dot 60E
yellow 4-dot 60E
super yellow 80E
super blue 80E

- All high quality with strong bone structure, muscles, strong appetite and instinct
- XXL gene (parents 2-4x regular size, different blood), hormone free, bred in Germany and fed as per wild diet

Available for pickup in southern germany.
Shipping possible for 32€

Send message for detailed pictures and prices

Whatsapp: +49 151 59 11 08 08

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