Biete Bartagamen

Offer Pogona vitticeps Red-Orange, Citrus, Witblits

clock.icon vor 3 Jahren - Chrast

I offer young bearded agams Red-Orange, Citrus, Witblits, healthy, vital and available for collection immediately. The young are used to accepting crickets, cockroaches and green food, reared under quality UVB sources. Juvenile sex determined. A large selection (at the moment it is possible to choose from several dozen individuals of each coloration).

Prices are determined by color, size and gender.
Red-Orange - 33 EUR - 49 EUR
Citrus - 33 EUR - 49 EUR
Witblits - 125 EUR- 160 EUR
Less colored agamas Citrus, Red-orange - 24 EUR - 29 EUR

More information at or phone +420774006950. At agam, personal collection is possible in the Czech Republic in the city of Chrast, or at the Živá exotica exhibitions (September 3, 2022) or in Hamm on September 10, 2022.

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