Biete Geckos

Juveniles & adult - Leachianus gecko New Caledonian giant gecko color

clock.icon vor einem Monat - Dar

All young animals are island crosses with the aim of breeding lots of color. The animals are all 100% feed resistant (common types: Pangea, Lugarti, Repashy, Gecko Nutrition, Dr. Rhaco).

The adult animal is a male Mt Khogis. He is also for sale.

The animals are guaranteed healthy and free of parasites. We always pay close attention to the calcium supply.

We are happy to meet in Hamm at the Terraristika (14.12.2024).

Collection in 64293 Darmstadt is also possible. We are within easy walking distance (3min) from the main station.
(! In case of pickup or if several animals are taken we can still negotiate the price !)

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