Biete Schlangen

Elaphe carinata CB for Hamm!

clock.icon vor 3 Monaten - GDYNIA

Elaphe carinata:
1.0 CB2022 66% het T+ = 250€
1.0 CB2023 = 200€
4.1 CB2024 66% het Anery = 160€ for male , female only in pair for 390€

First proven in F2 Axanthic line:
4.0 CB2024 from doublehet T+/Axanthic = 330€/one , 580€/two, 780€/three, 890€/four
Each specimen has a chance to be:
- Axanthic 66% het T+
- Axanthic
- normal 66% het T+
- normal

On the pictures with Axanthic I present 2 years old specimen of the first proven (by me in 2022) F2 Axanthic simple recessive Elaphe carinata. It is also 66% poss T+ albino. The situation with axanthic E. carinata’s is similar as with axanthic E. mandarinus - they are looking normal as babies, and fade the yellow into white while growing.

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