Ctenosaura, Varanus, Sceloporus, Agama, Scincopus, Crocodilurus
For Hamm :
2x Ophisaurus apodus thracius - legless lizard
1.0 Tiliqua gigas - blue-tongued skink
X x Varanus exanthematicus babies, price by quantity - Savannah monitor
3 x Crocodilurus amazonicus, young - crocodile tegu
2.2 x Ctenosaura similis - black iguana
7x Stellagama stellio brachydactyla, young male and unsexed - Painted Dragon
4.6 - Cophoscincopus greeri - Greer's Earless Skink
1.2 Gerrhosaurus major, adults, WC - Sudan plated lizard
2.2 Gonocephalus doriae, adults - Doria's angle-headed lizard
1.2 Hydrosaurus microlophus - Indonesian giant sailfin dragon
2.2 Agama agama, adults - common agama
5x Sceloporus malachiticus, babies, CB, unsexed - emerald swift
1.2 Scincopus fasciatus, adults, WC - Peters's banded skink
1.1 Anolis biporcatus, adults, WC - neotropical green anole
1.1 Corytophanes cristatus - Smooth helmeted iguana
2.0 Lamprolepis smaragdina, Selayar
5x Mochlus (Riopa) fernandi harlani (Togo), young
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We can bring animals with pre-order, but only with deposit by PayPal
Contact by mail or Whatsapp : + 33 6 69 64 16 72
Dylan, La Ferme Tropicale
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