Biete Frösche

Ceratophrys cranwelli young XXL gene and adult rare monster breeds

clock.icon vor 2 Wochen - München

Available Ceratophrys Cranwelli:

- yellow-red stretchleg XL male (Japan)
- yellow-red stretchleg XL short body hawk male (Japan)
- red strawberry/apricot XS female (German)
- brown orange camouflage male (German)
- blue-yellow short body male (German)
- blue yellow monster / pitbull hawk male (German)

60-80 young ones with XXL gene (parents 2-4x regular size, different blood, hormone free, high quality bred in Germany):
- tadpoles
- Morphs
- freshly landed: light green 4-dot, blue 4-dot, yellow 4-dot, green pure, yellow pure

Available for pickup in southern germany. Can bring them to Hamm or Ziva. Shipping and wholesale available

Send message for pictures and prices

Whatsapp: +49 151 59 11 08 08

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