Biete Insekten

Achrioptera manga ex. fallax, eggs and adult animals, EU-wide shipping

clock.icon vor 7 Monaten - Stassfurt

Hello friends of aesthetic nature,

I hereby offer the most colorful and therefore one of the most beautiful stick insects Achrioptera manga.
This species was incorrectly referred to as Achrioptera fallax until April 2019, but genetic analysis revealed that it is a separate species.
(A. Fallax is not! turquoise blue but rather golden.)

The adult females are fat, mostly gray, but they also have very beautiful wings, which are rarely seen.

The males are the real eye-catchers with their great bright turquoise blue/orange color and are also the more active animals, as they move more in search of the female and often show their great bright red/black wings.

It´s not a problem to hold more females with one male. The male will mate with them after another.

It is also possible to keep it with other peaceful phasmids without any problems, for example Sungaya inexpectata.

1x female adult 20 Euro
2x female adult 37 Euro
3x female adult 52 Euro
4x female adult 65 Euro

1x male adult 15 Euro
2x male adult 27 Euro
3x male adult 38 Euro
4x male adult 48 Euro

I refuse to give away males or females individually as this is unnatural and make no sense biologically.

20 Eggs - 10 Euro
50 Eggs - 20 Euro
100 Eggs - 35 Euro

shipping only in a parcel cause of temperature isolation and possible tracking, i ship EU wide.

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