Biete Königspythons

4.5 Python regius collection

clock.icon vor 3 Monaten - Mechelen

3.4 Python regius group for sale.
All eating defrost.

0.1 Pewter Desert Ghost - proven RTB
1.0 Pastel blackhead 100% het. DG / Ghost (Hypo)
0.1 Leopard Firefly (possible het pied) - proven RBT
1.0 Pastel pied (low white) - RTB
0.1 Super blackhead 100% het. ghost (+1400gr)
0.1 Fire 100% het. DG (offspring from the leo firefly with markers)
1.0 Mojave ghost pied

Or as 4.5 with
1.0 Bongo YB 100% het clown
0.1 Pastel sugar clown (poss het clizmo-

The adults arent used last season.
No seperate females, couples or solo males i will consider, preferably the group in 1 go.
Asking price 4.5 is € 1800

Picture is the Pewter DG as a baby here.
Pictures can be provided upon request or MedusaRoyals on instagram.

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