Biete Landschildkröten

1.0 Testudo hermanni hermanni

clock.icon vor 8 Monaten - Overdinkel

Greek tortoises are looking for a new garden
Only one left!
We are looking for a new home for our two male Greek tortoises (Testudo hermanni hermanni). Unfortunately, we now have too many men in our group who are harassing one of our oldest ladies, so we unfortunately have to look for a new home for both of these gentlemen. Please note that these are animals that live outside with us all year round in our enclosed garden and greenhouse. So they are not terrarium animals! They hibernate in our greenhouse.

Both animals are from 2014 and have a CITES document and are chipped.

So if you have a beautiful garden with possibly a greenhouse where one of these two gentlemen can live, please contact us.

⚠️Again, these are not terrarium animals and should really be kept outside!⚠️

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