Biete Schlangen
1.0 Gonyosoma oxycephalum / 0.1 Psammodynastes pulverulentus
Last call for Hamm
1.0 Gonyosoma oxycephalum, grey form, his color is greenish/ brownish/ yellowish, stunning snake. WC acclimated at my place. Treated for external and internal parasites, very clean snake eating on defrozen mices or rats, shedding perfectly. Approx. 150cm, sexually mature.
0.1 Psammodynastes pulverulentus, WC, acclimated at my place. Very cool and active female, approx. 50 cm, treated for external parasites and eating on defrozen Hemidactylus.
trade possible with 1.0 Gonyosoma frenatum, 1.0 Morelia azurea/viridis or Corallus batesii (all boids nido negatives) (I can add).
Handover in or around Paris, France, or maybe in Hamm or Houten next show.
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