Terrarientiere Anzeigen Standard
Hausratten (Rattus rattus)
Niedliche Hausratten Kinder suchen ab sofort ein neues Zuhause!
Suche Morelia viridis 0.1 Weibchen
Suche - Morelia viridis Weibchen
Gerne bei mir mit Foto und Preisvorstellung melden.
Biete bis zu 2000€
Searching for Pit vipers and boiga
I am searching for 1.0 Ovophis tonkinensis Adult/semi adult,a younger one would work too/,1.0 Trimeresurus insularis blue cb 22 or older./1.0 Bothriechis nigroadspersus Adult/semiadult Also looking for 1.0 big adult Boiga cyanea.Pick up at Hamm in march can be arranged.
Looking for : crested gecko Capp or frapp
Hello , for houten,
I’m looking for cappuccino or Frappuccino crested gecko minimum 14/15gr
Thanks for your return
Poecilotheria lowland 1.0.0
Biete mein poecilotheria lowland Männchen an.
Rh am 24.12.2024,ca 4,5 cm Kl.
Zur Zeit nur Abholung möglich.
20 Euro vb
VG Andreas
Suche/looking for Megophrys/Ceratophrys
-Megophrys nasuta 1,1-2,2 or young cb
-Ceratophrys cornuta
-Ceratophrys ornata
I'm in Hamm in March.
Please send only messages with price and picture!
Looking for , Suche Boaedon,lamprophis, housesnake,hausschlange
Suche für die Börse in Hamm März ein Pärchen von boaedon, gern schwarz und jung. bietet mir gern etwas an
Looking for Hyper and het Hyper TS
I'm looking for breeders who plan to have Tiliqua scincoides - Hyper or het Hyper offspring in 2025. I am open to purchasing or trading. For a trade, I can offer (provided the season is successful, of course) first White Northerns - mainly hets - and a very strong orange line - sunrise/sunset/swedish line from 2025. My instagram profile: koziol.skinks e-mial: studio@koziol.gallery
I m looking for female claudius angustatus
For Verona reptiles i m looking for a female claudius angustatus. Accept offers
I m looking for sternotherus minor peltifer
I m looking for 1.1 sternotherus peltifer adult or subadult.
Or i accept offers for many babies in discount
1.2 varanus kingorum brown CB 2023/2024
Habe zur Abgabe:
1.2 varanus kingorum braun (1.1 NZ 10/2023 und 0.1 NZ 01/2024)
Beide Weibchen hatten schon Gelege
i'm looking for 1.0 corallus ruschenbergerii
Hello i'm looking male corallus ruschenbergerii subadult/adult. Hamm 08.03
Kronenbasilisk Laemanctus longipes
Hallo, ich Suche zwei weibliche Kronenbasilisk / Laemanctus longipes.
0,1 Astrochelys radiata
0,1 Astrochelys radiata semi-adultes Weibchen
CITES C + Fotodokumentation
Gewicht 3 kg
1,0 Astrochelys radiata adult
1,0 Astrochelys radiata adult
29 Jahre, 12 kg
CITES C + Chip
2.500 €
Suche Terrapene carolina bauri adult für Hamm
Suche Terrapene carolina bauri zu kaufen.
Search Terrapene carolina bauri for Hamm.
Nephrurus Cinctus Aberrant & patternless
10.10 Nephrurus Cinctus ( aberrant & patternless) cb 24, free delivery to next Houten or Hamm show. Price 2.000€. WhatsApp+34625537696
Königspython 1.0 Mojave zur Abgabe
Zur Abgabe steht eine Königspython männlich von 2022.
Nur Abholung, kein Tierversand!
Königspython 1.0 Pastave abzugeben
Zur Abgabe steht eine Königspython Pastave 1.0 von 2022.
Nur Abholung!
Diverse Asseln/Isopods ENZ
Porcellio Hoffmannseggii Standart/Chocolate 15+ Gruppe +1-2 Stck Orange 25€
Cubaris spec Panda King 30 Stck. 10€
Cubaris spec Panda King Orange 10 Stck. 30 €
Cubaris spec white Head Ducky 10er Gruppe 90€
Armadillidium espanyoli Marbelized 30 Stck. Gruppe 20€
Porcellio laevis Panda ordentlich gefüllte Dose 5€
Armadillidium gestroi 15 Stck. 15 €
Armadillidium klugii Dubrovnik 12 Stck. 7 €
Bilobella braunerae "rötlicher Springschwanz" 1 Ansatz 25ml Dose 5€
Terrarientiere Anzeigen Premium
Lampropeltis t. hondurensis
All animals are eating well. Pickup possible at Hamm show or Prague (CZ).
Snow 150€/pc
Tangerine Albino 130€/pc
Albino 110€
Superhypo 200€
Tangerine 100€
Available until deleted. Email: zagalm@gmail.com
All my other offers here: https://www.terraristik.com/tb/kaufen-und-verkaufen/terraristik-anzeigen/01/?uid=64852
Hamm März 2025 - Vorbestellung möglich
Category Name Euro
CENTIPEDE Piece of lava 27€
CENTIPEDE Cherry red 29€
CENTIPEDE Blue Borneo 29€
CENTIPEDE Red Sulawesi 29€
CENTIPEDE Giant celebes red Sulawesi 60€
CENTIPEDE Giant mt.Merapi 90€
CENTIPEDE Red Toraja 60€
CENTIPEDE Black Toraja 90€
CENTIPEDE Black button 100€
CENTIPEDE Brown button 95€
CENTIPEDE Sp Toraja 60€
CENTIPEDE Celebes purple 60€
CENTIPEDE Giant celebes purple 90€
CENTIPEDE Purple Sumatra / red riosi 50€
CENTIPEDE Black Java 90€
CENTIPEDE lowland jewell Sumatera 35€
CENTIPEDE dehanii red leg 50€
CENTIPEDE celebes fireleg 160€
CENTIPEDE otostigmus sp.silvestrii 10€
CENTIPEDE Giant ethmostigmus hanif yellow leg (New) 70€
CENTIPEDE Ethmostigmus sp. Fakfak (New) 60€
CENTIPEDE Subspinipes Meratus 60€
CENTIPEDE Cataract meratus 85€
SPIDER Hyllus diardi 9€
SPIDER Hyllus walckenaeri 10€
SPIDER Thiania bhamoensis 9€
SPIDER Micrommata virescens 9€
SPIDER Myrmarachne 9€
SPIDER Phintella vittata 9€
SPIDER Platythomisus octomaculatus 15€
SPIDER Artabrus erythrocephalus 9€
SPIDER Siler semiglaucus 9€
SPIDER Mopsus mormon 9€
SPIDER Telamonia dimidiata 9€
SPIDER Myrmaplata plataleoides 9€
SPIDER liphistius spider sp Sumatera 45€
TARANTULA orphnaecus dicromatus 35€
TARANTULA Selenocosmia Arndsti 45€
TARANTULA Birupes Simoroxigorum 30€
TARANTULA Haplopelma doriae 25€
TARANTULA Lampropelma nigerrimum 33€
TARANTULA phormingochillus sp. rufus 30€
Sia ferox 39e€
Lesina 39e€
L. t. campbelli "Halloween"
All animals are eating well. Pickup possible at Hamm show or Prague (CZ).
Price 100€/pc.
Right now I have only males available, but possibly I can offer halloween line (sibling) female with them.
Available until deleted. Email: zagalm@gmail.com
All my other offers here: https://www.terraristik.com/tb/kaufen-und-verkaufen/terraristik-anzeigen/01/?uid=64852
Lampropeltis alterna 2024
All animals are eating well. Pickup possible at Hamm show or Prague (CZ).
Price 120€/pc.
Available until deleted. Email: zagalm@gmail.com
All my other offers here: https://www.terraristik.com/tb/kaufen-und-verkaufen/terraristik-anzeigen/01/?uid=64852
Lampropeltis alterna "ANERY" and 66% hets
CB2024. All animals are eating well. Pickup possible at Hamm show or Prague (CZ).
Price ANERY males 400€/pc
ANERY female 550€
66% het. females 160€/pc
Available until deleted. Email: zagalm@gmail.com
All my other offers here: https://www.terraristik.com/tb/kaufen-und-verkaufen/terraristik-anzeigen/01/?uid=64852
Lampropeltis leonis mix of colors
CB2024. All animals are eating well. Pickup possible at Hamm show or Prague (CZ).
Price 75€/pc.
Available until deleted. Email: zagalm@gmail.com
All my other offers here: https://www.terraristik.com/tb/kaufen-und-verkaufen/terraristik-anzeigen/01/?uid=64852
L. p. pyromelana "APPEGATE PHASE"
CB2024. All animals are eating well. Pickup possible at Hamm show or Prague (CZ).
Price males 350€/pc
female 450€
Available until deleted. Email: zagalm@gmail.com
All my other offers here: https://www.terraristik.com/tb/kaufen-und-verkaufen/terraristik-anzeigen/01/?uid=64852
0.0.2 Bothrops bilineata
For Hamm March:
0.0.2 bothrops bilineata cb24 Surinam
Selfeaters on miceparts
Pick up at my table in Hamm.
Deposit 20%
Lampropeltis ruthveni "ALBINO"
CB2024. All animals are eating well. Pickup possible at Hamm show or Prague (CZ).
Price 85€/pc.
Available until deleted. Email: zagalm@gmail.com
All my other offers here: https://www.terraristik.com/tb/kaufen-und-verkaufen/terraristik-anzeigen/01/?uid=64852
L. t. campbelli "APRICOT"
CB2024. All animals are eating well. Pickup possible at Hamm show or Prague (CZ).
Price 75€/pc.
Available until deleted. Email: zagalm@gmail.com
All my other offers here: https://www.terraristik.com/tb/kaufen-und-verkaufen/terraristik-anzeigen/01/?uid=64852
Lampropeltis t. nelsoni ALBINO
CB2024. All animals are eating well. Pickup possible at Hamm show or Prague (CZ).
Price 100€/pc.
Available until deleted. Email: zagalm@gmail.com
All my other offers here: https://www.terraristik.com/tb/kaufen-und-verkaufen/terraristik-anzeigen/01/?uid=64852
Lampropeltis triangulum sinaloe
CB2024. All animals are eating well. Pickup possible at Hamm show or Prague (CZ).
Price 70€/pc.
Available until deleted. Email: zagalm@gmail.com
All my other offers here: https://www.terraristik.com/tb/kaufen-und-verkaufen/terraristik-anzeigen/01/?uid=64852
Salvadorii, Aspidites, Bipes, Cumingi
-1.1 Aspidites melanocephalus (Female Gold Chin) CB20
-1.1 Morelia spilota
-0.1 Pituophis catenifer annectens het albino
-1.0 Spilotes pullatus
-1.1 Antaresia maculosa
-1.2 Drymarchon melanurus.
-1.1 Malayopython reticulatus Bali Black tail Dwarf
-1.0 Corvallis hortulanus
-1.1 Varanus salvadorii CB24
-1.1 Varanus salvadorii adult CB
-1.0 Varanus prasinus merauke
-1.0 Macrochelys teminki (big male)
-2.2 Corytophanes hernandendesii
-0.1 Bipes canaliculatus
-1.0 Dracaena guianensis
-0.0.4 Varanus cumingi
-0.0.1 Varanus doreanus
-0.0.4 Varanus sulphur het black(komaini)
-0.0.1(0.1) Varanus togianus(black)
-0.0.1 Varanus panoptes
-1.0 Varanus timorensis
-0.0.2 Varanus salvaror sumbawa
-1.0 Iguana iguana
Tokee / Gecko gecko Morphs
Hamm/Houten or deliver in germany, netherlands, belgium and france:
PREORDER Tokee MORPHS CB 2022 to 2024 with CITES
10.10 Nominat 140 each, 250 pair
2.10 Green codom 360 each
2.6 Patternless 480 each, 900 pair
1.1 Platinum 600 each, 1100 pair
1.2 Candy pied 850 each, 2300 group
1.1 Blue berry 950 each, 1700 pair
2.10 Granit 1000 each, 1800 pair
0.1 Shooting Star 1650
1.0 Calico 1500
1.2 Hypo 1650 each, 4500 group
1.0 Calico Black Eyes 1800
0.1 possible blueberry 1950
1.0 Black 3000
1.0 possible Super Red Green codom 4000
1.0 Super Red 4000
1.0 T+ albino 5000
All prices are including 19% german tax. For wholesale list please contact us with company datas and VAT and we send it over.
Varanus Prasinus Sorong 0.0.3
Ich habe aktuell Varanus Prasinus Sorong Nachzuchten abzugeben. Die Tiere sind jetzt etwa 3 Monate alt. Bei Interesse beantworte ich gerne alle Fragen.
I currently have Varanus Prasinus Sorong offspring for sale. The animals are now about 3 months old. If you are interested, I will be happy to answer any questions.
Best regards.
Terrarientiere kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
Tiere und Zubehör finden oder kostenlos oder als Premium Inserat inserieren.Kontakt mit Züchtern und Händlern aus dem In- und Ausland aufnehmen.