Ziva exotika, or Houten , see you???
1.0 Python regius pastel €50
0.1 Python regius €20 (small bump in the tail)
1.0 python regius sugar enchi €40
1.0 Python regius normal €40
1.0 champegned pastel piebald €120
0.1 pastel het hypo €50
1.0 Python regius normal €40
Corallus hortulanus 0.0.2 RED CALLICO €500 / pc. , 0.0.2 YELLOW €160 / pc., 0.0.2 ORANGE €180 /
Boa constrictor 0.1 (25-35cm)€50
Boa constrictor 1.0 (50 cm)€50
Boaedon fuliscus albino T- / 1.0 €30
pituophis deppei jani 0.0.1 / €100
Heterodon nasicus
1.0 conda het.hypo
0.1 conda het.albino
€120 / pair
Heterodon nasicus
0.1 axantik conda €60
3.0 anakonda het.66albino 50%lavender €60 pc.
Boaedon lineatus 0.1 €40
antaresia maculosa 1.2 adult €300 / all
Opheodrys aestivus 0.0.5 / €75 pc.
Corn snakes 5 x 30 cm + €35 pc. / €150 all
corn snakes blood red? 1.0 €80
Corn snakes Scaleless 0.0.6 €120 / pc.
Orthriophis taeniurus 0.1 €60
Eryx colubrinus 1.1 cb23 €250 pair
Eryx colubrinus 1.0 ALBINO cb21 €150 pair
Epicrates maurus albino 1.0 / €120
• all tigers €850
ALBINO caramel 2.1 €240 all
Pair €180 , male €60
HYPO 1.1 €180
1.0 Labyrinth 66% het caramel, albino 50% het green €100
0.1 100% het. CARAMEL LABYRINTH €130
1.0 100% het. CARAMEL LABYRINTH €150
1.0 hypo 66% het.CARAMEL LABYRINTH ALBINO, 50% het. GREEN €100
Scaleless Corn 0.0.8 €120 pc.
Boiga dentrophila ADULT (verified in breeding)
0.1 yellow 0.1 white / €900 together
Boiga cynodon cb22 1.2 €1600
Boa sigma Tarahumara 1.1 cb2021 / €650 pair ready to breed!
Bufo marinus 0.0.1 20cm €80
Ceratophrys cranwelli 0.0.1 €20
Vipera ammodytes 1.1 €200
0.0.2 Ethmostigmus trigonopus €30 / pc
0.0.5 Alipes multicostis €20 / pc.
0.0.4 Archispirostreptus gigas €20 / pc.
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