Offer Spiders and Scorpions

Vorbestellung / preorder Terraristika Hamm 14.09.24

clock.icon 6 months ago - Saulgau

Vorbestellung / Preorder Terraristika Hamm 14.09:

Cyriopagopus "purple zebra" cf. albostriatus
0.1 ~ 3 cm body : 110,-
0.1 subadult ~ 3,5 - 4 cm body: 125,-
05 x NZ 2024, 2. FH: 200,-

Taksinus bambus
0.1 ~ 2-2,5 cm body: 75,-
0.1 ~ 3 cm body: 90,-
0.1 subadult: 110,-
NZ 2024, 2. FH: 40,- / Stk.

1.1 Theraphosa blondi, each ~ 3 cm body: 120,-
1.1 Theraphosa blondi, each ~ 4,5 cm body: 150,-
1.1 Theraphosa stirmi, each ~ 3 cm body: 90,-
1.1 Ornithoctonus spec. Ranong blue, each ~ 3 cm body: 125,-

05 x Avicularia avicularia, 1. FH: 30,-
05 x Birupes simoroxigorum, 2. FH: 110,-
05 x Citharognathus tongmianensis, ~ 1 cm body: 90,-
05 x Chilobrachys sec. South Thailand blue, 2. FH: 125,-
05 x Chilobrachys spec. Kaeng Krachan, 2. FH: 20,-
05 x Cyriopagopus spec. "Big black", ~ 1 cm body: 45,-
10 x Cyriopagopus spec. "Big black",~ 1 cm body: 80,-
05 x Monocentropus balfouri, ~ 2 cm body: 75,-
05 x Ornithoctonus spec. uthai thani, 2. FH: 80,-
10 x Ornithoctonus spec. uthai thani, 2. FH: 75,-
05 x Ornithoctonus spec. Ranong blue, 2. FH: 50,-
05 x Ornithoctoninae spec. Vietnam silver, 1cm body: 150,-
10 x Ornithoctoninae spec. Vietnam silver: 280,-
05 x Ornithoctoninae spec. HCM, ~ 1-1,5 cm body: 200,-
05 x Pamphobeteus cf. antinous, 1. FH: 125,-
05 x Poecilotheria regalis, 1 cm body: 40,-
05 x Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli, 1,5 cm body: 50,-
05 x Poecilotheria ornata, 1 cm body: 40,-
05 x Theraphosa stirmi, 1. FH: 150,-
10 x Theraphosa stirmi, 1. FH: 280,-

wholsale offers: (price on request)
50x / 100x / 200x Cyriopagopus spec. big black, 2.-3. FH
50x / 100x Theraphosa stirmi, 1. FH
50x / 100x / 200x Ornithoctonus spec. uthai thani, 2. FH

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