Offer Spiders and Scorpions

Vogelspinnen mit versand to EUROPE

clock.icon 4 years ago - Oława

Spiders with shipment to EUROPE possible :)

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0.0.300 Avicularia purpurea fh 1 – 16e
0.0.100 Avicularia metallica fh 1/2 – 15e
0.0.300 Chromatopelma cyaenopubescens fh 1 – 11e
0.10.0 Chromatopelma cyaenopubescens 3-3,5 BL 40e
15.20.0 Caribena versicolor 4,2-4,5 BL : female 110e, Pair 120e
30.30.0 Chromatopelma cyaenopubescens 5 BL: female 53e, Pair 67e
5.5.0 Hysterocrates Hercules 4,5 BL: female 33e, Pair: 40e
0.0.60 Neoholotele incei 1fh – 2e
0.0.100 Phormictopus sp blue fh 1/2 – 27e
3.3.0 Poecilotheria subfusca HIGHLAND (PURE CLEAN) Pair: 90e
5.7.20 Tliltocatl epicureanus: 1,5-2 BL No-Sex - 21e, Female 3 BL - 45e, Pair 52e
0.0.100 Ybyrapora diversipes fh 1 – 13e

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