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The Responsible Herpetoculture Journal (RHJ)

clock.icon a month ago - Kyiv

3 Days Christmas offer
Chose any Membership Level subscription use this 20% OFF promo code: F8XRCUB2 and get:
- 1 year RH Journal subscription (full colored digital editions with effect of flipping pages).
- Instant digital access to the RH Journal #18.
- Digital access to RH Journals archive from 2022-2024.
- Personal digital access to legendary "The Vivarium Magazine". - Professional care sheets on reptile's husbandry.
- Also you can get access to RHF digital library with original publications on breeding amphibians and reptiles, other books, special editions, many useful information and some discounts.
* (you can use promo code from 25/12/2024 to 27/12/2024 only)

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