Offer Lizards
Tegu / Curoa / Antaresia / Cyclodomorphus / Dendrobates for Hamm
I have no choice but to rehome my animals which I won't be able to take care of anymore.
I have :
Red tegu - Salvator rufescens 0.1 (young, 70 cm with tail)
Chinese box turtle - Cuora flavomarginata 1.1 (adult couple)
Dendrobates leucomelas 0.0.4 (adults)
Pink tongue skink - Cyclodomorphus gerrardii 3.0 (adults)
Children's python - Antaresia childreni 0.1 (adult)
Angolan python - Python anchietae 0.0.1 (sub-adult)
I will be able to take them to Hamm in March.
Contact me for more detail/pictures...
Best regards,
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