Offer frogs

Shipping possible to Verona, Prague, Ostrava, Houten and Hamm Expos

clock.icon 6 months ago - Budapest

Looking for Ceratophrys stolzmanni Females!!!

For Sale
6 Chacophrys pierottii - Very Rare
0,0,xxxx Ceratophrys cranwelli: Many variants including Metallic Blue, White... different sizes from babies to adults
0,0,xxx Ceratophrys Fantasy: green, red
0,0,xxx Pyxicephalus adspersus 2-3cm, 6-8cm
50+ Lepidobatrachus laevis
3,0 Ceratophrys cornuta
0,0,xx T.resinifictrix

Looking for:
-Ceratophrys: aurita, calcarata
-Ceratophrys stolzmanni females
-Mantella aurantiaca, baronii
-Scaphiophryne sp.
-Lepidobatrachus sp. except laevis

+Many species of aquatic turtles for sale, check my other adds
Shipping to Verona, Hamm, Ziva Exotica, Houten and other bigger expos

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