Offer Ball Pythons
Python regius / Königspython - DG / Piebald CB23 and adults
3 months ago -
Delivery and handover to Hamm and Houten shows possible.
we feed only frozen/thawed rats
adult/proven breeder:
1,0 Pastel Red Stripe DG 1.900g
0,1 OD het Piebald 2.200g
0,1 Enchi Vanilla het Piebald 2.300g
0,1 Enchi het DG poss het Hypo 3.100g
0,1 Enchi het DG 3.100g
0,1 Pastel Lesser 2.400g
0,1 Pastel Mojave 4.400g
1,0 Mojave Enchi Vanilla YB Piebald CB23 - should be ready for the coming season
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