Offer Snakes

Protobothrops (Zhaoermia) mangshanensis, CB 2023

clock.icon one year ago - Leipzig

Protobothrops (Zhaoermia) mangshanensis, CB 2023

Biete NZen von 2023. Die Schlupfrate lag bei 100% und die Tiere fressen regelmäßig kleine Springermäuse (Frostfutter). Abgabe paarweise oder einzelne Männchen.
Übergabe in Hamm im März möglich.

I offer CB 2023, the hatch rate was 100% and the animals regularly eat small jumping mice (frozen food). Sold in pairs or single males. Handover in Hamm possible in March.
I have been keeping this species for over 15 years and have had several offspring. Sale only in EU countries.

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