Offer Poison dart frogs
Oophaga histrionica, vicentei and pumilio Hamm
2 weeks ago -
Hamm only
2.0.1 Histrionica Playa de Oro TDC €650 each
1.0 Histrionica Atrato TDC €750
0.1 Cayo de Agua €100
1.0.2 Solarte €250 for all 3
2.0 Isla Popa €100
0.1 Bribri €125
0.1.1 Green Spot Vicentei Open to offers
Playa are almost 2 years old. No calling from 0.0.1
1.0.2 Blackfoot Terribilis TDC
0.0.4 Mint Terribilis
Interested in trades with other Oophaga
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