Offer Poison dart frogs

Oophaga and more for hamm march

clock.icon 4 weeks ago -

0.0.4 Phelsuma klemmeri
0.0.x Tinctorius Koetari
0.0.x Tinctorius Brazil
0.0.x Tinctorius Azureus
0.0.x Auratus la coca
0.0.x Terribilis yellow
0.0.x Terribilis orange blackfoot

All large Oophaga are adults and tesoros line

1.1 Yellow lehmanni
0.1.2 Red saddleback
1.0 Fuego
1.0 Caramel tado

Interested in trades with:
Atachi bakka, La fumee, Bakhuis. Matecho, Nikita, Robertus, and patternless Azureus.

Ameerega silverstonei, pepperi, bassleri, pongoensis, trivittata

Red/yellow galactonotus


and histrionica yellow saddleback female / other histrionica


Also interested in large Anolis species like, potior, luteogularis and baracoae!

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