Offer Snakes

offsprings from 2023 and 2024

clock.icon 3 weeks ago - Pilsen

35x Dendrobates azureus from 3 to 15 months old
2x Dendrobates tinctorius 5 months
0.50x Lepidophyma flavimaculatum 2 months all of them are perfect
0.0.2x Coleonyx variegatus f1 nevada
0.0.4x Eurydactylodes agricolae different lines
1.3 Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli old couple from 2015 and young females from 2021
3x Sistrurus miliarius barbouri 2023
4x Crotalus cerberus RESERVATION
9x Aspidelaps scutatus
4x Aspidelaps lubricus
Except some azureus, trio S.m.b. a quatro L.TC. all is offsprings from 2024. Baby snakes are still force feeders. I did not make a sonda, coz they are still young and small for it. When they little bit grow up and start feed by themselves I sell them. so now is like just for reservation. or if you want …
Im from pilsen +420732409645

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