Offer newts and salamanders

Offspring Pleurodeles Nebulosus Or Algerian ribbed newt.

clock.icon 8 months ago - Budapst

Offspring Pleurodeles Nebulosus
Or Algerian ribbed newt.

The Pleurodeles Nebulosus are originally native to Algeria and Tunisia.

Several times I was lucky enough to raise newts from my own offspring in the community tank. Over time, however, my inventory of animals has grown rapidly. Although there is a splash in every room in our house, every spot with aquariums has now been used up, so it is now time for some of my boys and girls from my current offspring to leave their home.

I release Pleurodeles Nebulosus from my own offspring in the natural form 0.0.x. The little animals are now around 10 months old and 6-8 cm tall.

Since the parents live in my aquarium all year round at room temperature - filled with tap water - my offspring are certainly also suitable for the aquarium.

My animals are also diurnal, so their behavior is very nice to observe, whether it's swimming, hunting or later mating behavior.

I initially raised my boys and girls on Artemia. I then got them used to pellets from well-known manufacturers. I have had the best experiences with pellets. Some newts were unable to tolerate live food such as red bloodworms, worms or frozen food. After feeding, they were bloated and hung on the surface of the water for several days without moving much. Since I started feeding pellets, none of my animals have been bloated and, frankly, they feel very comfortable.

If you are interested in animals from my offspring, just write me a message.

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