Offer Insects

Mantids and Scolopendra

clock.icon 3 months ago - Hamm

Scolopendra „Purple Sumatra“ 0.3
1x 120€
3x 300€

Scolopendra „MT Merapi“ 0.0.1
1x 80€

Ethmostigmus Trigonopodus Trigonopodus 0.1
1x 100€


Deroplatys Gorochovi L4/5 ~ 17,50€
Pairs available

Phyllocrania Paradoxa L3/4 ~ 7€

Phasmomantella 0.2 L5/6 ~ 1/20€ 2/35€

Handover in Hamm or shipping within the EU possible

Check out our Instagram for incoming species and more pictures @mantiden_gang

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