Offer - bird spiders

Male, Female slings and Bulk offert

clock.icon one year ago - Gdansk

International shipping around 20 Euro with heat pack, depends on the country.

Bulk offert:
C.darlingi L3 x 70pcs - 100 E
P. lugardi L1 x 100 - 180 E
P. lugardi L2/L3 - 30 szt - 70 E
H.gigas L2/3 x 50 - 30 E
N. chromatus L1x40 - 30 E

B. simoroxigorum sub? - 80 E (F0)

Adult female (Most of them ready for breeding)
P. cambridgei x2 -30 E
H. gigas x 4- 25 E
N inceci classic x2 -10 E
C. elegans adult x 6 - 30 E
P. reduncus - 30 E
X.sp White ~6Body lenght - 280 E

B.vagans L2 – 2 E
C. darlingi L2/3 – 4 E
C. electric blue L6 – 25 E
C. elegans L3 – 4 E
C. fimbriatus 1-1.5 BL - 12 E
C. hati hati L5/6 - 10 E
C. huahini L3 - 5 E
C. laeta L3 – 10 E
C. versicolor L3 – 12 E
C. Vietnam blue 1-1.5 DC – 10 E
D. pentaloris L6 – 10 E
H. pulchripes L2 – 10 E
H. villosella L2- 3E
H. Villosella L5 – 4E
K. brunnipes L2- 3E
N. chromatus L2 – 2E
N. incei gold L3 – 5E
N.incei classic L4 – 3E
O. Auerotibialis L2 –10E
O. costalis L2/3 - 30 E
P. cambridgei L2- 3E
P. chocleasvorax L3 -35 E
P. lugardi L2 – 6E
P. miranda L3 – 8E
P. sazimai L2/3 - 5E
P. metallica L1 (Soon) - 20E

International shipping from Poland from 100 E.

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