Offer Spiders and Scorpions

LIST 2. Some spiders to Hamm and for shipping!

clock.icon 3 weeks ago - Budapest

Psalmopoeus cambridgei 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 6€ (0.0.2)
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 0,8-1 cm body 1pc - 5€ (0.0.51)
Psalmopoeus irminia 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - 7 € (0.0.20)
Pseudohapalopus sp. „blue” 0,3-0,5 cm body 1pc - 10 € (0.0.13)
Pseudohapalopus sp. „yellow-blue” 0,3-0,5 cm body 1pc - 20 € (0.0.15)
Pterinochilus murinus DCF 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 10€ (0.0.3)
Pterinochilus murinus RCF clear 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 5€ (0.0.120)
Pterinopelma sazimai 2-2,5 cm body 1pc - 9€ (0.0.23)
Theraphosinae sp. „Roatan island purple” 1 cm body 1pc - 15€ (0.0.1)
Therphosa apophysis 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 45€ (0.0.13)
Thrixopelma cyaneolum 1 cm body 1pc - 34€ (0.0.5)
Thrixopelma puriens 0,8-1 cm body 1pc - 12 € (0.0.4)
Thrixopelma sp. „Cuzco” 0,5 cm body 1pc - 32€ (0.0.2)
Tliltocatl albopilosus „Nicaragua” 2-2,5 cm body 1pc - 9€ (0.0.180)
Tliltocatl kahlenbergi 1-1,5 cm body 1pc - /4€ (0.0.130)
Tliltocatl schroederi 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - /25€ (0.0.9)
Tliltocatl sp. „Golden back” 0,5-1 cm body 1pc - 20€ (0.0.27)
Tliltocatl vagans 2 cm body 1pc - 6€ (0.0.5)
Xenesthis intermedia 1,5-2 cm body 1pc - 50€ (0.0.11)

0.4.0 Acanthoscurria geniculata 4 cm body 1pc - 25€
0.1.0 Caribena laeta ADULT 1pc - 30 €
0.1.0 Chilobrachys natanicharum ADULT 1pc - 45 €
0.2.0 Chilobrachys natanicharum 4 cm body 1pc - 40 €
0.1.0 Nhandu chromatus 4-5 cm body 1pc - 30 €
0.1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. „Paisa” ADULT 1pc - 70 €

1.0.0 Amazonius germani RH 2024.11. 1pc - 20€
5.0.0 Caribena laeta RH 2024.11 1pc - 15€
2.0.0 Caribena versicolor RH 2024.11 1pc - 30€
1.0.0 Harpactira pulchripes RH 2024.08 1pc - 15€
1.0.0 Lasiodora parahybana KL 5-6 cm 1pc - 10 €
1.0.0 Nhandu carapoensis RH 2024. 1pc - 25 €
1.0.0 Nhandu carapoensis RH 2024.08. 1pc - 20 €
1.0.0 Megaphobema robustum RH 2024.08. - 40€
1.0.0. Phormictopus cancerides RH 2024.07- 35€
1.0.0. Phormictopus sp. „Dominican purple” - 40€
1.0.0. Phormictopus sp. „El Salvador” - 40€ (reserved)
1.0.0. Phormictopus sp. „Green-gold carapace” -.40€
2.0.0 Pamphobeteus sp. „Mascara” 5-6 cm body 1pc - 35 €
1.0.0 Poecilotheria miranda RH 2024.07. 1pc - 20 €
1.0.0 Tliltocatl vagans RH 2024.11 1pc - 15€

1.1.0 Bumba horrida 3-4 cm body – pair 50€
1.1.0 Chilobrachys natanicharum 3-4 cm body - pair 60€
1.1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. „Mascara” 5-6 cm body – pair 60€

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