Offer Turtles and Tortoises

Last call for hamm, turtles and tortoises ! Special turtles

clock.icon 2 years ago - Gatteo

Last opportunity to pre-order:

Aldabrachelys gigantea 10-12cm perfectly smooth seyshelles
Astrochelys radiata 6-8cm and 10-12cm also 4 sexed females of 10-11cm
1.1 astrochelys radiata "super hight yellow" 21/24cm 9k
Geochelone carbonaria "cherry head" (intense Red) 6-8cm
Geochelone carbonaria "cherry head" 13-15cm
Geochelone sulcata baby (top price guarantee) wholesale welcome!

1.4 testudo graeca cirenaica adults breeder
2.2 Testudo hermanni boetgeri 14-15cm perfect smooth
2.4 Testudo hermanni hermanni adult (apulia locality)
2.4 Testudo hermanni hermanni (sicilia locality)

3 Platysternon megacephalum 7/8cm
4 ciclonorbys senegalensis 10-12cm
pelodiscus sinensis albino T+ 10cm
4 Phangshuta tecta cb 2022
clemmys guttata baby

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