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I would buy this snakes (E. bimaculata, E.climacophora, and...)

clock.icon 3 months ago - Praha 10

Hello, i would buy this snakes
E. bimaculata max for 50 e
E. helena max for 80 e
E. mandarina max for 110 e
E. moellendorffi max for 100 e
E. carinata max for 110 e
E. radiata max for 110 e
E. climacophora max for 65 e
E. flavolineata max for 85 e
E. frenata max for 100 e
E. schrencki max for 100 e
E. situla max for 80 e
E. taeniura max 35 e
E. vulpina max 120 e
Masticophis flagellum testaceus ?
Anilius scytale?
This snakeas for captive breed
And sp. Rhabdophis from captive breed or from wild max for 170 e
Please, only in CZ. I will not be in ŽE

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