Trade Monitor lizards

I change my 1 year old male Savannah monitor for Snake or lizard

clock.icon a week ago - Praha 10

Hello, i would like to change my 1 year old Savannah monitor lizard. He is 70 cm long and he is Věry friendly and he never bite me or he was never aggressive toward me. I usually feed him insects and 1 day old chicken. He live 10 months on captivity and he never had any health problem. He lived in very strong UBV and UVA And he got calcium every week. I change him for one of this snake or lizard
1.0. or 0.0.1. Easter indigo Snake
1.0. or 0.0.1 False water cobra
1.0. adult Hog Island boa constrictor (non-biting)
1.0. adult Hognose snake
1.0. Blue-tongued skink
1.0. adult Broadleysaurus major
Only Czech republic

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