Offer Snakes
Hognose center Dott. Petrarolo Pietro
one year ago -
San Tammaro
Conda artico toffibelli 0.1 700
Toffibelli 2.0 150
Toffoconda 2.0 200
Superconda artico het toffibelli 0.2 700
Conda artico het toffibelli 0.1
Het toffibelli 1.1 100
Albino artico1.1 130
Albino 2.3 100
Albino artico anaconda 1.0 180
Artico 1.1 80
Artico 66% pos lavanda 150
Conda artico 0.1 130
Superconda 1.1 200
Nelsoni albini lemon 0.0.10 130
Nelson albini het 0.0.12 100
Phanterophis guttatus het scaleles
Pylomelana pylomelana 1.2 120
Pastel king 0.0.2 300
Conda pos het ghost 150
Albino anaconda 1.0 150
the prices are per single subject
females only combined with mashi, delivered personally to Verona or by courier to the fair in Hamm upon deposit
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