Offer - bird spiders

Hamm Show offer and Shipping within Europe

clock.icon 12 months ago - Bydgoszcz

Row 20 Hamm Terraristika this weekend

All preorders via website 15% off use code Hamm15 and select pickup option at the show (plus freebie) !

Brachypelma albiceps, auratum, boehmei, hamorii, emilia,
Poecilotheria regalis, metallica, rufilata, smithi, miranda
Cyriopagopus sp. "Valhalla"
Typhochlaena seladonia
Phormingochilus sp. Sabah Blue, arboricola, Rufus
Grammostola rosea, rosea red, pulchra
Homeomma chilensis
Theraphosa apophysis, blondi
Xenesthis bright, intermedia, megascopula

Many rare Ornthoctoninae !

European shipping 24-48H live arrival guaranteed

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