Offer Lizards

Hamm or houten show September available

clock.icon 2 years ago - Madrid


3.3 phrynosoma asio young pairs with import permit
2.2 phrynosoma asio adult pairs with import permit

Turtles and tortoises: (proven breeders registered in Spanish authorities)

0.0.3 a.radiata, good size
1.5 testudo horsfieldi proven breeders perfect condition
2.4 testudo marginata proven breeders
0.0.21 g.carbonaria

1.7.5 emydoidea blandingui
2.4 c.carbonarius (adult proven)
1.1 pardalis Babcocki (adult proven)
3.4 g. Elegans (adult proven)
3.7 malacochesus tornieri (proven breeders)
0.0.5 malacochesus tornieri
0.0.5 chelus fimbriatus

New Caledonian geckos

0.0.20 m. chahoua
0.0.25 eurydactyloides agricolae
0.0.10 eurydactyloides viellardi
0.0.25 Rachodactylus auriculatus different colors
0.0.50 c. ciliatus
0.0.4 r.l.bayonaise
0.0.4 ami
0.0.7 r.l gt troeger
0.0.2 r.l poindimie
0.0.7 r.l nu Ana
0.0.2 r.l mt dore
0.0.1 r ciliatus hibrid x chahoua
5.0 c. Saranisorum x ciliatus hibrid

Nephrurus and Other geckos:

0.0.10 Nephrurus cintus
0.0.1 Nephrurus wheeleri
0.0.2 Nephrurus deleani
0.0.1 Nephrurus vertebralis
1.0.3 Nephrurus stellatus
1.0 hemiteconix taylori
5.5 chondrolactylus angulifer (super colourfull parents)
4.0 Nephrurus amyae
2.0 Nephrurus vertebralis
0.2 Nephrurus cintus
0.0.4 diplodactylus galeatus

1.1 anolis e.baracoae green
0.0.4 anolis e.baracoae blue
0.0.2 anolis guamuhaya
0.0.2 anolis new sp

Tiliqua and egernia and other lizzards:
0.0.4 egernia stockesii
0.1 egernia hosmeri high yellow cb23
0.0.17 tiliqua gigas evanescense patternlesss and reduced pattern
0.0.10 sauromalus ater
0.0.4 Timon kurdistanicus
0.0.4 microlophus albermaiensis
1.1 Ctnosaura defensor proven breeders
0.0.20 red ackie varanus acanthurus súper colourfull bloodline

2.3 uromastyx thomasi orange head bloodline (best bloodline in Europe, registered in Spain authorities)
5.5 enyalioides laticeps
1.2 Uracentron flaviceps
30 Stenocercus fimbriatus
6 polychrurus marmoratus
16 anolis bombiceps
20 tiliqua intermedia
10 tiliqua intermedia calico

Hemiteconix caudicintus: 22 animals (18 adult proven breeders group and 4 juvenile)

1.0 caramel dh oreo zulu
0.1 wo oreo dh caramel zulu
0.1 wo th caramel oreo zulu
0.1 banded dh oreo zulu
0.1 striped dh caramel oreo

1.0 wo amel striped
0.1 wo amel
0.1 wo amel
0.1 amel striped

1.0 wo patty striped het ghost 66% oreo
0.1 oreo striped het patty
0.1 patty striped dh ghost oreo

1.0 zulu striped dh caramel patty
0.1 caramel het zulu 66 patty
0.1 zero het caramel

1.0 zulu 66 caramel 66 patty
0.1 zulu dh oreo patty 50 ghost
0.1 zulu 66 caramel 66 patty 50 oreo

1.0 banded het oreo pH 50 amel
2.0 oreo zulu pH 66 caramel
1.0 wo caramel oreo zulu

1.2 black and red tail Yucatan (ltc)
3.3 red and black rubidus (ltc)

0.0.10 Pogona vitticeps high red hypo het trans or hypo trans

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