Offer Spiders and Scorpions

Hamm expo a lot of bulks

clock.icon 2 months ago - SIEDLCE

100 x C.versicolor 1fh 400 e
10x A.peru purple 1fh 50 e
20 x O.aureotibialis 3 fh 140 e
50 x A.purpurea 1 fh 350 e
50 x P.lugardi 1 fh 200 e
50 x P.chordatus 1 fh 200 e
50 x H.pulchripes 1 fh 350 e
50 x M.balfouri 1 fh250 e
50 x O.violaceopes 1 fh 320 e
70 x.P.tigrinawesseli1 fh 490 e
150 x P.regalis 1 fh 600 e
40 x P.macara 1 fh 350 e
50 x P.machalla 1 fh400 e
50 x L.nigerrimum 1 fh 300 e
5 x P.miranda 1 fh 40 e
50 x P.metallica 1 fh 600 e
100 x G.pulchripes 1 fh 450 e
100 x H.maculata  200 e
100 x H.himalayana 1 fh 350 e
100 x Vietnam 1f 300 e
100 x C.electric blue 1 fh 500 e
20 x C.electric blue 2 bl 150 e
100 x D.pentaloris 1fh 200 e
100 x C.elegans 1 fh 250 e
100 x C.sp hati hati 250 e

10 x A.geniculata 5 dc females  250 e
1 x P.striata adult60 e
1x .regalis adult 60 e
3x P.formosa adult 180 e
10 x P.metallica adult females 1200 e
10 x P.machalla 3 bl  females 400 e
7 x C.laeta adult 350 e
10 x M.balfouri adult 500 e
10 x C.cyaneopubescens adult 500 e
6x P.rufus sub 300 euro
4x P.pulcher adult 200e
2x P.chordatus adult 120 e
4x C.electric blue adult 400 e
5X N.incei gold adult 200 e

Adult Males:
2 x fresh P.rufus males 60 e
5 x N.chromatus 2 month 30 e
5 x P.sazimai 2 month 30 e
2 xP.victori 2 month 80 e
2 x P.chordatus 2 month 40 e
3 xM.balfouri 1 month 30 e
5 xP.metallica 1,5 month 60 e

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