Offer Spiders and Scorpions
Bulk for Weinstadt Gegen Gebot
Quitting the hobby temporarily. Not selling animals separately, only whole bulk.
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0.3 Haploclastus devamatha (Young adult females)
0.2 Guyruita cerrado (one is currently sitting on an eggsack, the other is freshly molted)
0.1.4 Lyrognathus giannisposatoi (0.1 young adult female, 0.0.4 large juveniles)
0.1 Orphnaecus sp. "Kordillera" (young adult female + over 10-12 slings 3-4 FH)
0.1.9 Phlogiellus johnreylazoi (juvenile female + 9 slings 3-4 FH)
0.0.2 Thrigmopoeus truculentus (2cm KL)
0.0.2 Birupes simoroxigorum (1cm KL)
3.0 C. fimbriatus (2.0 Sub adult,1.0 RH 11/07)
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