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Books for Hamm show or transport by post.

clock.icon 4 weeks ago - Kristianstad

I have some books for sale. All books are in good condition - mint condition. Drop off at the Hamm show is possible.

-Duellman. Hylid Frogs of Middle America vol. 1 and 2. Ex-library without dust cover. 70 euro/both volumes

-O'Shea. A guide to the snakes of Papua new Guinea. Soft cover. 80 euro.

-Barker & Barker. Pythons of the world. Soft cover. 80 euro.

-Henderson. Natural histroy of the neotropical treeboas. 40 euro.

-de Pous, Salvi, Harris Amphibians and Reptiles of Morocco. 70 euro.

-Rödel. Amphibien der westafrikanschien Savanne. 40 euro

-David, Vogel. The snakes of Sumatra. 50 euro

-Disi, Modrý, Necas, Rifai. Amphibians and Reptiles of the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan. 70 euro

-Gardner. The amphibians and reptiles of Oman and the UAE. 70 euro

-de Lang. The snakes of the Moluccas /Maluku), Indonesia. 40 euro.

Package deals possible.

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