Offer Lizards

Available for hammshow september

clock.icon 3 years ago - Madrid

2.1 Uromastyx thomasi (young adults)
2.2 Uromastyx acanthinura flame (super parents, cb2021, spain)
1.1 Uromastyx ornata philby cb 2020 austria
1.1 Uromastyx flavifasciata cb 2020 austria
0.1 Nephrurus laevisimus
1.1.1 Underwoorsario husbandi albino
2.0 Nephrurus stellatus
1.2 chamaleolis barbatus baby size

I can be interesting in part of changes for;
1.0 crotaphytus auriceps
0.1 petrosaurus thalassinus
1.0 Nephrurus laevisimus
0.2 Nephrurus stellatus

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