Offer Snakes

***Attention! SCAMMER Katarzyna Sudekowa! REWARD 3.500€

clock.icon 12 months ago - Raeren

We urgently warn against doing business with Katarzyna Sudekowa or the account behind it! This person is offering animals from a supposed "private zoo" called Tropic Zoo Park in the Czech Republic. The data she gives her buyers (see attachment) are not verified. A reward of €3,500 is being offered for the private address and name of this person. Protect yourself and others from fraud!

Please send me every bit of information you have. The private address of the person behind the account must be revealed!

Katarzyna Sudekowa‘s Data:

Account owner:
ADDRES: Odlegla 8, 43-400 CIESZYN POLAND Owner: Katarzyna Sudekowa IBAN: PL 45 1050 1344 1000 0097 7487 7857 BIC SWIFT: INGBPLPW

phone number PL: +48 692 104 286
phone number CZ: +420 608 383 221

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