herps standard ads [Page 28]

Adult 1.0 Hetero scaleless palmetto (Pantherophis guttatus)
Available for Hamm
Surplus, ready for breeding season.
Adult big male, cornsnake, 600gram
1.0 Classic hetero scaleless palmetto

Capucina patula cockroach
Capucina patula, cocroach from Costarica (small-middle sized)
10 pcs - 65€
20 pcs - 120€
Tausendfüßer Spirostreptus spec.1
For Hamm 08.03.2025
Eigene Nachzuchten von Spirostreptus spec.1

1.2 Indische Schmucknattern Coelognathus helenus DNZ 2022.
Verkaufe= 1.2 Indische Schmucknattern Coelognathus helenus DNZ 2022.
Preis= 300 Euro VB
Abholung oder Übergabe in Hamm im möglich.

Pied (Piebald) Poss. Super Tiger Poss. Tigers Poss. Het OGS
For sale pied retics python. All snakes after 3 time meal. Eat live/frozen rats. Avaible male/famle. High white and low white.. e-mail: quescik@gmail.com

Corallus hortulanus. Red and yellow
Nice animals from 2024, eats and are doing super Well. I have red and yellow.
Biete für Messe Hamm
Biete für Messe Hamm
0.0.8 Ornithoctoninae sp. longna ca 2. Fh Stück 10€
0.0.2 Ornithoctoninae sp. veronica dwarf ca. 2.Fh Stück 10€
0.0.2 Haplopelma longipes ca 3-4.Fh 10€
0.0.16 Haplopelma minax ca. 3-4.Fh Stück 10€
0.0.1 Heteroscodra maculata ca 2-3cm kl 10€
0.1 Brachypelma albiceps ca 4cm kl 50€
0.1 Ornithoctonus aureotibialis adult 40€
0.1 Phormictopus sp. dominican purple adult verpaart 130€
0.1 Phormictopus sp. dominican purple ca. 4-5cm kl sub? 110€
0.1 M. balfouri adult 30€
1.0 Harpactira pulchripes sub? 10€
1.0 Lasiocyano sazimai ca 4cm kl 10€
2.0 Ornithoctoninae sp. Vietnam Silver Rh: 1/25 Stück 30€
1.0 Megaphobema robustum Rh: 2/25 40€
1.0 Phormictopus sp. dominican purple ca. 4cm kl 40€
1.0 Phormictopus sp dominican purple subadult 50€
1.0 Lyrognathus giannisposatoi subadult 40€

Epiperipatus barbadensis - Stummelfüßer - Velvet worm
Epiperipatus barbadensis
Eigene Nachzuchten von Stummelfüßer - Velvet Worms
Abholung in 2542 Kottingbrunn oder Mitnahme nach Wien, Mannheim oder Hamm möglich

tricolor hognose tricolor hognose , Xenodon pulche pulcher
Tricolor hognose (xenodon pulcher)
Nice young animals from 2024
Reddy for Hamm. In 8/3 2025

Paradox Corallus Hortulanus
Last Call for Hamm. Nice male reddy to breed. Werry special and beautiful animal.
Suche subadulte oder adulte weibchen für Versand
0.1 bumba horrida
0.1 bumba tapajos
0.1 theraphosinae sp piura
0.1 lasiodora striatipes

Ants - Ameisen - Lasius niger and Lasius emarginatus
Last chance for Hamm
Lasius niger and Lasius emarginatus - for Hamm
L. niger (~10 workers + lots of eggs) - 15€
L. emarginatus (~10 workers + lots of eggs) - 20€
Pick up in Vienna or transport toHamm possible.
For thé next Hamm show 08/03
For Hamm
1.0 Varanus cumingi CB 2016
0.1 Varanus rudicolis adult WC 2020
1.1 Varanus acanthurus adult Breeder CB 2020
1.0 Varanus timorensis adult CB 2021
0.1 Iguane iguane "Red" CB 2018
1.0.1 Cordylus tropidosternum
1.1 Gecko tokay adult CB 2022
0.0.3 Discophus guianeti CB 2024

Asthenodipsas, Ahaetulla, Gonyosoma,....
Hamm 8.3.
Last chance!
1,1 Gonyosoma margaritatum
1,1 Xenodermus javanicus
1,1 Ptyas korros
0,0,2 Aplopeltura boa
0,0,4 Ahaetulla prasina
0,0,1 TIliqua gigas SILVER
X,X Gekko gecko morph
0,0,2 Hydrosaurus celebensis
0,0,2 Aplopeltura boa
0,2 Asthenodipsas malaccanus
0,0,3 Caecilian sp
2,2 Tribolonotus gracilis
0,0,2 Tiliqua gigas keyensis
1,0 Gonyosoma jansenii
0,0,2 Chlamidosaurus kingii
2,2 Tribolonotus gracilis
0,1 Orthriophis taeniurus grabowskyi
More info

Heterodon nasicus/Hognose/Hakennasennatter
Heterodon nasicus '24
Stabile gute Fresser
Albino verkauft.
Abholung bevorzugt / Tierversand organisiert der Käufer

Pair adulte nephrurus cinctus
For hamm pair adult nephrurus cinctus cb 200€ or exchange possible
Montivipera, agkistrodon Hamm march
Hamm 08/03
Montivipera wagneri 0.1 CB 2023 150eu
Agkistrodon taylori 2.0 CB 2024 50eu

Pituophis catenifer et melanoleucus
Bonjour, je vend mes trois Pituophis :
- 1 mâle Pituophis catenifer sayi albinos
- 1 femelle Pituophis catenifer sayi het albinos
- 1 femelle Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus paternless
Merci de mon contacter par email a herpformation@gmail.com

Schmuckhornfrosch (Ceratophrys cranwelli)
Ceratophrys cranwelli 1.1 enz 24. Natur Nachzuchten.
Für Hamm 8.03.
1.1 300€
Gonatodes antillensis nz 2024
Gonatodes antillenis.
1.0 for Hamm. Nz 2024
Message me for more info.
herps Premium ads [Page 28]
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