the standard ads [Page 17]

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Male Anolis sabanus for sell +2
Sell Lizards

Male Anolis sabanus for sell

I am selling some of my Anolis sabanus males.
Some of them have somehow a dewlap with spots in them. They are all brothers so it means that they all should have the genetic.
No idea how special that is but I haven't seen a sabanus with spots in his dewlap before.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Stimson's Pythons (Antaresia stimsoni stimsoni) +2
Sell Snakes

Stimson's Pythons (Antaresia stimsoni stimsoni)

I have one pair of Western Stimson's Pythons available, as well as one other. All three snakes are from 2023. The pair are feeding really well, the other snake is unsexed, and currently just eating pinkies dipped in boiling water. The pair are 400€, the single python is 150€. I can bring them to Hamm

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Theraphosa Stirmi aus 09/22 +2
Sell - bird spiders

Theraphosa Stirmi aus 09/22

Goliath Vogelspinne - Theraphosa Stirmi
Aus 09/22
+ Terrarium 40 x 60 x 40
Bei Interesse melden

Sell Poison dart frogs

Oophaga pumilio charco la pava

4 Oophaga pumilio charco la pava. 1 calling and have seen fertilized. Can bring them to Hamm

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Eirenis modestus for hamm(september) +2
Sell Snakes

Eirenis modestus for hamm(september)

0,1 CB 2021
0,1 CB 7/2023
0,0,2 CB 7/2024
It is possible to pick them up at Hamm show in september.

frogs kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Theloderma corticale ,azureiventris +1
Sell frogs

Theloderma corticale ,azureiventris

For Hamm

Theloderma corticale 0.0.12
Azureiventris hyxolaxus couple 1,2,0
Litoria couple 1,2,0

other lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0.1 caiman crocodilius 130cm
Sell other lizards

0.1 caiman crocodilius 130cm

For Hamm
0.1 caiman crocodilius 130cm
very calm animal and has all papers
Price 650€

I'm giving them away because I'm giving up my hobby completely and I'm only keeping 2 animals

Suche Moosfrösche ( Theloderma corticale ) gerne ein Pärchen oder eine gruppe 1.2 oder 2.2

Ich bin am 14.09 in Hamm.
I'll be in Hamm on September 14th

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Für Hamm
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Für Hamm

0.1 Avicularia rufa sub "Peru" 150€
0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata adult 70€
0.1 Caribena versicolor frisch adult 70€
0.1 Chilobrachys natanicharum sub 60€
0.1 Lasiocyano sazimai adult 60€
0.2 Monocentropus balfouri adult
Stk/50€ 2/90€
0.1 Omothymus violaceopes adult = 120€
0.1 Theraphosa apophysis 3-4cm Kl 70€
0.1 Ybyrapora diversipes adult 80€

1.0 T. Apophysis Rh 3.06. Unverpaart = 60€

1.1 Chilobrachys natanicharum 3cm KL 60€

0.0.5 Avicularia minatrix 4FH Stk/30€
0.0.10 Cyriopagopus hati hati 4.FH
Stk/10€ 10/80€
0.0.5 Ephebopus murinus 4FH Stk/25€
0.0.10 Hapalopus guérilla 3-4FH
Stk/15€ 10/130€
0.0.10 Haplopelma Bach Ma 4.FH
Stk/30€ 10/250€
0.0.5 Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus 3FH
Stk/18€ 5/80€
0.0.10 Ybyrapora diversipes 2.FH Stk/9€ 10/70€
0.0.10 Ybyrapora diversipes 4/5FH
Stk/14€ 10/100€

0.0.XX Cupiennius salei 3/4FH
Stk/4€ 10/35€ 20/50€
0.0.10Heteropoda davidbowie 1.FH
Stk/9€ 10/70€
0.0.4 Holconia murrayensis pre/sub

Schaben juvenil/sub:
0.0.10 Gyna caffrorum10€
0.0.10 Gyna capucina 20€
0.0.10 Gyna centurio 15€
0.0.10 Gyna lurida 15 €
0.0.10 Pseudoglomeris magnifica 50€

Antrophyum cf. plantagineum HD-Dose 20€

Terrarien zu verschenken:
2x/60x30x30 (Falltür)
Nur an Selbstabholer!!!

Abholung in Hagen oder Versand

Chamaeleons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0.0.30 pardalis nosy Faly offered +2
Sell Chamaeleons

0.0.30 pardalis nosy Faly offered

I hereby offer 0.0.30 nose faly chameleons, they are between a month and two months old, some can already be sexed. can be taken to Hamm next weekend

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Diverse Vogelspinnen zum Verkauf +2
Sell - bird spiders

Diverse Vogelspinnen zum Verkauf

Aus persönlichen Gründen löse ich meine Sammlung auf:

0.0.1 T Vagans NZ 22 18,-

1.0 Nhandu chromatus 02.21 Kl4 cm als FH3 20,-

0.0.1 Lasiodora parahybana 11.21 als FH2 erhalten 25,-

0.1 Chilobrachys South Thailand blue Nz 03.22 45,-

Nr 1 0.1 Phormingochilus sp. rufus Nz 22 40,-

Nr 2 0.0.1 Phormingochilus sp. rufus Nz 22 30,-

0.0.1 Chilobrachys natanicharum 11.21 35,-

0.0.1 Theraphosinae sp. Piura 04.22 als FH2 18,-

0.0.1 Pseudoclamoris elenae 08.21 35,-

0.1 Pamphobeteus sp. Machala 04.20 45,-

Oder alle zusammen für 240

Bei geschlechtsbestimmten Tieren kann ich Bilder der Haut senden. Wenn kein Geschlecht bestimmt ist, dann ist dies weil ich mir zu unsicher bin, keine Garantie auf diese.
Bilder aller Tiere sind vorhanden.

Bevorzugt Abholung in 78...
Versand möglich montags bis mittwochs.
Versand mit Aufpreis und auf eigenes Risiko und ohne Lebensankunft Garantie allerdings auf besten Wissens und mit Erfahrung verpackt , per DHL Express oder DHL Standart Versand.

Monitor lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.1. Varanus glauerti proven pair +1
Sell Monitor lizards

1.1. Varanus glauerti proven pair

Selling my adult proven pair Varanus glauerti. Perfect animals in every sense, no missing toes or tails, just need them gone very soon. I can deliver to Hamm on 14.09. 1000€ for pair

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Eneoptera cf. surinamensis "Paraty" available +2
Sell Insects

Eneoptera cf. surinamensis "Paraty" available

Currently offering this tropical cricket species for sale in the following sizes:
• x1 medium nymph: 6€ (as seen in the first picture)
• x10 medium nymphs: 50€
• 3.2 presub/sub nymphs: 60€
It is an easy to raise species (they lay like normal Acheta domestica, in wet coco soil), eat a variety of plants and foods including fruit, vegetables and fish flakes. Males stridulate at night with a soothing tropical sound.
*Shipping to all EU and UK via UPS Express*

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: offsprings from  2023 and 2024 +2
Sell Snakes

offsprings from 2023 and 2024

This advertisement is old but still actual !
35x Dendrobates azureus from 6 to 15 months old
1x Dendrobates tinctorius 5 months
0.47 Lepidophyma flavimaculatum cb 7/24 partenogenetic
2.2. Eurydactylodes agricolae different lines cb 24
0.0.7. goniurosaurus splendens cb 24 - reservation 1.1.
0.2 Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli cb 23 - reservation 0.1.
1.3. Sistrurus miliarius barbouri male cb 18, females cb 23
2.2. cerastes cerastes male cb 18, female cb 24
0.2. Crotalus cerberus
2.5. Aspidelaps scutatus - reservation 1.1.
2.2. Aspidelaps lubricus
All baby snakes eat by themselves live or dead pinkies.
I'm from Pilsen +420732409645

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Lizard to feed for saurophage snake
Search Lizards

Lizard to feed for saurophage snake

I am looking for hamm

A batch of lizards to feed saurophagous snakes.
It doesn't matter if there are bits of tail missing, legs missing...
Similar sized lizard to juvenile pogonas, anolis, hemidactylus, correlophus...
Thank you in advance

Chamaeleons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Trioceros hoehnelii 3.0 '23 Hamm +2
Sell Chamaeleons

Trioceros hoehnelii 3.0 '23 Hamm

Von 2023 haben wir noch 3.0 trioceros hoehnelii zu Abgabe. Tiere fressen gut und sind gesund. Übergabe auf Hamm 14.09 möglich.

We have 3.0 trioceros hoehnelii who are looking for a new home. They are good eaters and healthy. Pick up at Hamm 14.09 is possible.

Die Bilder zeigen die Elterntiere (nicht zu Verkauf). Pictures show the parents (not for sale).

Bei Fragen einfach anschreiben. If you have any questions just dm us.

You can also reach us via @shinisaurus_ on instagram.

Bin auf der Suche nach Theloderma asperum, kann die Tiere auch abholen

Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Biete für Hamm males females slings

0.1 Theraphosinae sp.Oscars 2cm kl 250€
0.1 Typhochlaena sp. Raposa adult 1200€
0.1 Iridopelma sp. Bahia 3cm kl 100€
1.0 Typhochlaena seladonia RH22.08 150€
1.0 Typhochlaena seladonia RH29.07 with only 1 pedipalp 80€
0.0.30 Haplopelma schmidti 1fh 15€
0.0.100 Aphonopelma sp. Diamond back 1fh 500€ for all
Versand möglich
shipping possible, or handover in Hamm

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Orthognathe/Labidognathe
Sell Spiders and Scorpions



0.1 Avicularia rufa sub "Peru" 150€
0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata adult 60€
0.1 Caribena versicolor frisch adult 70€
0.1 Chilobrachys natanicharum sub 60€
0.1 Lasiocyano sazimai adult 60€
0.2 Monocentropus balfouri adult
Stk/50€ 2/90€
0.1 Omothymus violaceopes adult 120€
0.1 Theraphosa apophysis 4cm Kl 70€

1.0 T. Apophysis Rh 3.06. Unverpaart = 60€

1.1 Pelinobius muticus 4cm KL 70€
1.1 Chilobrachys natanicharum 3cm KL 60€

0.0.5 Avicularia minatrix 4FH Stk/30€
0.0.10 Cyriopagopus hati hati 4.FH
Stk/10€ 10/80€
0.0.5 Ephebopus murinus 4FH Stk/25€
0.0.10 Hapalopus guérilla 3-4FH
Stk/15€ 10/120€
0.0.10 Haplopelma Bach Ma 4.FH
Stk/30€ 10/200€
0.0.5 Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus 3FH
Stk/18€ 5/80€
0.0.10 Ybyrapora diversipes 2.FH Stk/9€ 10/70€
0.0.10 Ybyrapora diversipes 4/5FH
Stk/14€ 10/100€

0.0.XX Cupiennius salei 4FH Stk/4€ 10/25€
0.0.10Heteropoda davidbowie 1.FH
Stk/9€ 10/70€
0.2 Holconia murrayensis sub
1.0 Holconia murrayensis frisch adult 25€

Schaben juvenil/sub:
0.0.10 Gyna caffrorum10€
0.0.10 Gyna capucina 20€
0.0.10 Gyna centurio 15€
0.0.10 Gyna lurida 15 €
0.0.10 Pseudoglomeris magnifica 50€

Antrophyum cf. plantagineum HD-Dose 20€

Abholung in Hagen (Hamm), oder Versand

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: C. caninus babies from 2023 +1
Sell Boas

C. caninus babies from 2023

These two babies (1 male and 1 female) can be brought to Hamm or for pickup in NL.
Single male, also possible