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- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Xenesthis spec. Bright Pärchen +1
Sell - bird spiders

Xenesthis spec. Bright Pärchen

Da ich meinen Bestand verkleinere gebe ich mein xenesthis spec. bright Pärchen ab.
Beide Tiere sind subadult.

Xenesthis spec Bright 0.1
Xenesthis spec Bright 1.0

Die Tiere werden nur zusammen verkauft

Abholung bevorzugt

Search Spiders and Scorpions

Looking for adult males:

Looking for adult males of the following species:

Lampropelma nigerrimum
Davis pentaloris
Nhandu chromatus

To buy, trade or breeding loan. Shipping to Belgium.

I can trade for:
1.0 P. pulcher subadult
1.0 P. metallica subadult
1.0 P. ornata subadult

Verkaufe meine Köpy
Frisst Frost und lebend Futter .
Gesund und munter ☺️
NZ 19

other Arthropoda kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Cubaris spec. „Thai Angel Blue" +1
Sell other Arthropoda

Cubaris spec. „Thai Angel Blue"

….es sind noch einige Tiere der ursprünglich aus Thailand stammenden Art abzugeben
….sind in der Farbe sehr variable: von blau über braun bis hin zu weiß

1 Tier: € 4,00
12 Tiere € 40,00

Musk/Mud turtles
Sternotherus odoratus
Sternotherus minor
Sternotherus carinatus
Sternotherus peltifer
Kinosternon leucostomum
Kinosternon baurii
Kinosternon scorpioides
Kinosternon scorpioides cruentatum
Kinosternon subrubrum
Kinosternon acutum
African turtles:
Pelusios castaneus
Pelomedusa subrufa
Pelusios nanus

Crustraceae non aquatic kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Mediterranean Isopods for sale
Sell Crustraceae non aquatic

Mediterranean Isopods for sale

I can offer starters of the fllowing species:
- Armadillidium gestroi
- Armadillidium sp. "Spain"
- Porcellio bolivari
- Porcellio sp. "Malaga Monster"
- Porcellio laevis "dairy cow"
- Porcellio flavocinctus
- Armadillidium klugii
- Armadillidium maculatum
- Porcellio vulcanicus
- Trichorhina tomentosa

1.0 heloderma suspectum
1.1 egernia stokesii breeders (huge animals)
0.0.6 chondrodactylus spec Kalahari (patternless and normal)
0.0.4 eublepharis angramainyu
1.0 eugongylus mentovarius
2.0 gehyra marginata
0.0.3 oedura coggeri

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo:  I offer some animas from my own breeding
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

I offer some animas from my own breeding

Sicarius gracilis (F2 Ecuador, New Sicarius sp in hobby) FH1-2 - 20€
Loxosceles laeta FH1 - 8€

Heteroctenus junceus i2 - 15€
Androctonus australis "Garzoni" i2 - 10€
Androctonus crassicauda "Reddish" i2 - 10€
Parabuthus villosus i2 - 12€ (F2 generation, P generation was black and in F1 brood were some coloured ones)
Paravaejovis spinigerus i2- 15€ (F3 generation)

Charinus acosta i2 - 10€

Simandoa conserfariam 40€/10x ((Species of cockroach that is currently considered extinct in the wild.)

Hello I’m looking for a lot of species !
That one in priority:
Paraphidippus fartilis
Hyllus diardi or giganteus

But If you have other Salticidae to sell please contact me :


Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Nephila pilipes, Heteropoda maxima, Phidippus regius
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Nephila pilipes, Heteropoda maxima, Phidippus regius

Largest Spider species in the World (4.Stage):
The first real Heteropoda maxima
Largest Nephila species in the Hobby (5.Stage):
Nephila pilipes
Regal Jumping Spiders (3.Stage):
Phidippus regius "Everglades"
Phidippus regius "North Florida"
Phidippus regius "Apalachicola"
Prices on request:

Hi, im looking for brookesia or rieppelon species. Im based in Cologne,NRW and will be also going to Hamm reptiles fair in September. Im thankful for any tip. Kind regards,Felix

Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Aldabrachelys gigantea/Aldabra tortoises for sale +2
Sell Tortoises

Aldabrachelys gigantea/Aldabra tortoises for sale

Aldabrachelys gigantea CB 2006,2007,2011
I am offering tortoises in different price categories depending on their size and appearance.
All are healthy and in a good nutritional condition - the different price corresponds to how even are their shells.
The smallest are size 35 - 45 cm and the category with the most even/pretty shell is for 3 750 EUR, with average shell is for 3 000 EUR, and with the most uneven shell are for 1 700 EUR
Special offer - 3 tortoises, one from each category for the total of 6 250 EUR
The next sizes all have perfect shells and are 45 - 50 cm for 6 500 EUR,50 - 55 cm for 8 000 EUR, 55 cm and bigger for 15 000 EUR.
Level of protection II B
The tortoises are from a captive bred farm in the Seychelles, imported to the Czech Republic with the European CITES permit Together with the tortoises you'll get a certificate of origin and the copy of the CITES permit from Seychelles.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boiga cyanea 1.1 CB2022 pair +2
Sell Snakes

Boiga cyanea 1.1 CB2022 pair

Hello, i have a pair of yearlings B. cyanea, CB from Poland, parents were bought from K. Choczaj. Good quality juveniles.
I just moved to Hamburg, Germany and i have this pair and a few crested geckos for sell.
PM for more info

500€, or we can negotiate, eventually i can trade for Uroplatus species.

other Arthropoda kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Springschwänze Bodenpolizei für Terrarium & Asseln +2
Sell other Arthropoda

Springschwänze Bodenpolizei für Terrarium & Asseln

Ich gebe Springschwänze aus meinen Asselbecken zum Animpfen des eigenen Terrariums ab.
Je Dose (ca. 150 ml) 3EUR, mehrere Dosen vorhanden.

Generell kann ich nicht ausschließen, dass kleine Asseln oder andere "Bodenpolizisten" mitreisen ;-)

Folgende Asseln stehen ebenfalls zur Abgabe:
Panda (Porcellio laevis)
St Lucia (Armadillidium spec.)
Zebra Chocolate (Armadillidium Maculatum)
Tropische weiße Asseln

Außerdem Sepia, Kalk, Laub, Moos, Flechten, etc… einfach nachfragen.
Sowie Lissachatina Zanzibarica Pink Top Jungtiere

Abholung in 65817 Eppstein oder Versand nach Absprache.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Looking for Opheodrys aestivus (rough green snake, Grasnatter)
Search Snakes

Looking for Opheodrys aestivus (rough green snake, Grasnatter)

Hello there Terraristik,
Recently my eyes were opened to the existence of insectivorous snakes. In the Netherlands it has proven exceptionally hard to find a captive bred specimen and I personally do not want to support removing animals from the wild.
If you have had success breeding them and are selling, please share with me images of their enclosure so as to refine mine and I will travel in person to pick them up if we can reach a deal.
Thank you for reading, danke sehr,

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo:  I offer Simandoa conserfariam
Sell Insects

I offer Simandoa conserfariam

I can leave some breedings groups of S.conserfariam (Species of cockroach that is currently considered extinct in the wild.)

Group of 10 sub/adults - 40€
Group of 15 sub/adults - 50€
Group of 20 sub/adults - 60€

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Rare trimeresurus sp Kanburiensis, Rubeus, Honsonensis, Truongsonensis +2
Sell Venomous snakes

Rare trimeresurus sp Kanburiensis, Rubeus, Honsonensis, Truongsonensis

Rare Trimeresurus and Colubrids. Direct export from Malaysia with all required documents. We specialize in export of Thai, Indonesian, Malaysian, Vietnamese species.

-Trimeresurus honsonensis
-Trimeresurus truongsonensis
-Trimeresurus stejnegeri
-Trimeresurus rubeus
-Trimeresurus gumprechti
-Trimeresurus cardamomensis
-Trimeresurus kanburiensis
-Trimeresurus phuketensis
-Trimeresurus kuiburi
-Trimeresurus vogeli
-Protobothrops jerdonii bourreti
-Protobothrops cornutus
-Protobothrops sieversorum
-Erpeton tentaculatum
-Gonyosoma boulengeri
-Gonyosoma coeruleum
-Elaphe moelendorfii
-Euprepiophis mandarinus
-Elaphe taeniura callicyanous
-Elaphe taeniura helfenbergi
-Elaphe taeniura mocquardi

We can supply many more other species of snakes, lizards, frogs and insects as well.
Please contact us for more info

! We only do wholesale with a set minimum order quantity !


I'm looking for some species of geckos: phelsumas, lygodactylus, sphaerodactylus...

I will listen every offer, I'll be at Hamm on September.

If someone can send, it could also be viable

I am looking for adult specimens of morelia viridis, corallus caninus, morelia spilota, hortelanus.. Mainly interested in a morelia viridis breeding adult male or female.

I am also interested in couples.

Talk on whats app better if you can friends.

It would be for shipping to Spain since I cannot travel.

All the best

WhatsApp: +34 659138137

Looking for all Oligodon species apart from purpurascens. Can collect from European shows.

Also looking for Calamaria sp., but don't expect to find any ????????