spec standard ads [Page 20]

Chamaeleons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Calumma Parsonii Parsonii & Calumma Parsonii Cristifer +1
Search Chamaeleons

Calumma Parsonii Parsonii & Calumma Parsonii Cristifer

Searching for both species, looking for both males and females.

Will require papers (CITIES), Health Certificate is not required for United Kingdom. I can help with filling in forms.

I will collect myself.

Locations: France / Germany

Contact through message.

Hello ,
I am looking for Thamnophis atratus or any other interesting species of this genus.
Thank You.

I am looking for the following Sphaerodactylus species

0.1 Sphaerodactylus fantasticus fuga

i m searching anolis and gonocephalus species send me a message

WANTED speckled padloper tortoises wanted preferably a breeding pair but could buy a Male or female by themselves could have them collected in hamm

other lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: anguis colchica,  fragilis usw high blue, hoch blau
Search other lizards

anguis colchica, fragilis usw high blue, hoch blau

I am looking for anguis specimen with a lot of blue, like this one.

Dear all,

I am currently looking for the next species:

- Litoria thesaurensis;
- Theloderma pictum (formely nyctixalus pictus);
- Theloderma licin;
- Theloderma bicolor;
- Kurixalus odontotarsus;
- Rhacophorus rhodopus.

Preferably captive bred specimens.

Warm regards,

Search Turtles and Tortoises

Kinixys zombensis zombensis

I have 1.1 Kinixys zombensis zombensis, i am looking for other people holding this species for future exchange of bloodlines/knowledge.
I am also looking for more animals. I am offering 2500€ for unsexed juveniles and 4000€ for confirmed female or you give an offer.

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Protaetia speciosa cyanochlora Käfer L3 Larven
Sell Insects

Protaetia speciosa cyanochlora Käfer L3 Larven

Biete Protaetia speciosa cyanochlora Larven im Stadium L3. Foto zeigt ein Elterntier.

10 Larven 25€
20 Larven 40€

Versand per DHL mit Heatpack 8,50€

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Flowerbeetles and others +2
Sell Insects

Flowerbeetles and others

Available :
Flowerbeetles :
Amaurodes Passerini Linnei
Chlorocala Africana Africana
Chlorocala Africana Oertzeni
Chlorocala Africana Umtaliensis
Chlorocala Conjux
Dicronorhina derbyana layardi
Dicronorhina derbyana conradsi
Dicronorhina derbyana oberthuri vittata
Eudicella Gralli Hubini
Eudicella pythia
Eudicella hornimani
Eudicella Morgani
Eudicella Trilineata Interruptefasciata
Eudicella Gralli Hubini
Gymnetis pantherina
Mecynorrhina Torquata Immaculicollis
Mecynorhina Polyphemus Confluens
Mecynorrhina Harrisi Eximia
Mecynorrhina Torquata Ugandensis
Mausoleopsis amabilis
Pachnoda prasina
Pachnoda sinuata
Pachnoda iskuulka
Pachnoda Fissipuncta
Pachnoda Marginata Peregrina
Protaetia Culta Culta
Protaetia Nox
Protaetia Speciosa Jousselini
Protaetia himalayana
Proaetia niveoguttata

Brasidas Foveolatus
Dares Philippinensis
Epidares Nolimetangere
Eurycantha calcarata
Eurycantha Horrida
Eurycantha insularis
Mnesilochus portentosus
Tisamenus Deplanata
Trachyaretaon brueckneri

Armadillidium Sp "Casteldaccia"
Armadillidium Vulgare "T+ Albinos"
Cubaris Murina
Cubaris Sp. “White Side”
Cubaris Sp "Panda King"
Porcellio Laevis “Orange”
Porcellio Laevis “Milk Back”
Porcellio Laevis "Dairy Cow"
Porcellio Laevis “White”
Porcellionides Pruinosus "Orange"
Trichorhina Tomentosa
Desmoxytes Planata

Equipment and others availables
Website : www.six-pattes.com
( In French but you can translate with google translate )
Mail : contact@six-pattes.com

ich biete drei Männchen der Art an:
- großes Männchen, aktiv 9€
- kleines Männchen, aktiv 7€
- kleines Männchen, inaktiv (nur Vorbestellungen hier) 7€
Gerne auch im Tausch gegen Weibchen der gleichen Art, Weibchen von Protaetia formosana oder Asseln.
Versand wenn die Temperaturen es zulassen.

I offer three males of this species:
- big male, active 9€
- small male, active 7€
- small male, inactive (only preorders here) 7€
Also in exchange for females of the same species, females of Protaetia formosana or isopods.
Shipping when temperature is fine.
Kind regards

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Hobbyaufgabe Highend königspython morphe tolle Zuchttiere vorhanden
Sell Ball Pythons

Hobbyaufgabe Highend königspython morphe tolle Zuchttiere vorhanden

Alle Bestandstiere stehen zum Verkauf!
0.1 hurricane het clown
1.0 lesser ghost clown
1.0 hurricane cinnamon ghost
1.0 od confusion het ghost
1.0 hurricane het pied
0.1 yb pin pied
0.1 lesser enchi blaze pied poss hurricane sugar
1.0 special het pied
Alle Tiere sind adult und/oder zuchterfahren.
Alle Tiere fressen zuverlässig Frost.
Übergabe Raum Stuttgart/Heilbronn oder Börse Hamm/Karlsruhe.
Reservierung nur mit Anzahlung 35%.

Books & Magazines kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Several rare books for sale +1
Sell Books & Magazines

Several rare books for sale

For sale :
- A guide to australian lizards in captivity - Danny Brown - 500e
- Carpet pythons Morelia spp - Marc Mense - 50e
- Old world rat snake - Klaus-Dieter Schulz - 100e
- Snakes of the world : A catalogue of living and extinct species - Van Wallach - paperback edition - 50e
In France, add shipping.

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Only for Hamm (09,12,2023) (last order 08,12,2023) +2
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Only for Hamm (09,12,2023) (last order 08,12,2023)

Offer for a good friend:

Androctonus gonneti 1,2 fresh adult
Androctonus gonneti 0,0,5 i3-5
Androctonus sergenti 0,1 fresh adult
á 55€
Parabuthus villosus „black“ x,0
sub á 40€
fresh adult á 50€
Parabuthus granulatus 1,0 adult
á 35€
Leiurus jordanensis 1,3 sub/adult
Leiurus hebraeus “light” 0,1 sub
á 35€
Leiurus hebraeus “typical” 0,1 sub
á 35€
Hottentotta jayakari “UAE” i4
1,1 40€/Pärchen
2,2 75€/Groupe
Buthus spec Marocco,Mirleft 1,2 adult
Buthus spec Marocco,Agadir
1,1 i4-5 40€/Pair
Hottentotta gentili Marocco,Agadir
1,0 i4 15€/each
Buthus garcialorcai „North Granada“ 0,0,2 i3-4 40€/Group
Buthus cf garcialorcai “South Granada” 0,1 gravid
á 45€
Buthus cf ibericus „Cadiz“ 0,0,1 i4 á 15€
Buthus cf ibericus “Cadiz” 0,1 sub/adult
á 25€
Buthus ibericus “Tarifa” 0,1 adult
á 25€
Buthus spec Caminito del Ray 0,1 semi/sub
á 25€

Tityus smithi 0,0,6 adult

Pandipalpus cf viatoris (Congo,Lubumbashi)
0,1 adult

Loxosceles leata 0,2
á 20€

Loxosceles rufscenes „Crete“ sub/adult (gravid?) 0,8
á 15€
8x á 70€

Loxosceles rufscenes „Rhodos,Archangelos“ sub/adult 0,3
á 15€
3x á 30€

Loxosceles rufscenes „Rhodos,Seven Springs“ sub/adult 5x
á 15€
5x á 50€

Latrodectus tredecimguttatus “South Spain”
WC06/23 0,x
sub á 20€
adult “mated” á 25€

If you are interested,please write me latest in the morning of 08,12,2023,so there is enough time for me,to organise a pickup.

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Only for Hamm 09,12,2023 (last order 08,12,2023) +2
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Only for Hamm 09,12,2023 (last order 08,12,2023)

Acanthoscurria geniculata 3cm 0,0,x
á 18€
3x á 55€
Megaphobema robustum 3cm 0,0,x
á 30€
3x á 80€
Xenethis spec bright fh3/4 0,0,x
á 75€
Theraphosa blondi fh4 0,0,x
á 55€
Theraphosa stirmi fh4 0,0,x
á 50€
Theraphosa apophysis fh4 0,0,x
á 60€
Aphonopelma seemanni adult 0,x
á 50€
Thrixopelma longicolli adult 0,1
á 45€

Cyriocosmus elegans adult 0,x
á 35€
Hapalopus spec “Klein” adult 0,x
á 60€

Cyriopagopus lividus 2cm 0,0,x
á 25€
Hysterocrates laticeps fh3 0,0,x
á 6€
10x á 50€
Grammostola pulchripes fh3 0,0,x
á 12€
5x á 50€
Chilobrachys natanicharum fh2 0,0,x
á 12€
5x á 50€


Scolopendra cingulata „Cadiz“ pedling 0,0,1 á 15€
Scolopendra oraniensis „Cadiz“ sub/adult 0,0,2
á 30€
2 x 45€

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: For Hamm , velvet spider,funnel web spider,trapdoor  +2
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

For Hamm , velvet spider,funnel web spider,trapdoor

Only for Hamm 9.12.2023

Gandanameno spec Namibia adult 0,x
á 50€
Gandanameno spec Namibia sub 0,x
á 40€

Filistatidae (Group housing) :
Kukulcania hibernalis sub/adult 0,x
á 25€
Kukulcania hibernalis big juv 0,0,x
á 15€
Filistata spec Cadiz sub/adult 0,x,x
á 20€
Filistata spec Cadiz fh2-3 0,0,x
á 4€

Diplura spec Rurrenabaque big juv 0,0,x
á 20€
Linothele fallax fh2-3 0,0,x
á 6,5€
Linothele fallax big juv 0,0,x
á 25€
Linothele sericata semi/sub 0,0,x
á 30€

Euagrus mexicanus sub 0,0,x
á 30€

Macrothele holsti adult 0,x adult
á 45€
Macrothele spec nov “red fang” sub 0,1
á 120€

Fufius spec Rurrenabaque adult 0,x
á 55€

Barychelidae spec Ecuador fh3-4 0,0,x
á 55€
5x á 50€

Sicarius thomisoides adult x,0
á 50€

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Phasmids for December Hamm +2
Sell Insects

Phasmids for December Hamm

I have for December Hamm in offer many species Phasmids. Over 40species. Send me Pm for my current list
Achrioptera manga, oreophoetes topoense, Asceles margaritatus And many others...

1,2,0 Cyriocosmus elegans adult (Kerl gratis, da schon älter) 60€
0,1,0 H. Crassipes adult 60€
0,0,6 H. Crassipes ca 2,5cm KL stk/30€
0,0,2 C. spec. hati hati 1,5cm KL stk/15
0,3,0 C. lividum 2,5cm KL stk/30€
Zusammen statt 420€ nur 320€

Looking for a breeding pair of speckled padloper or common padloper tortoises that can be shipped to the Republic of Ireland

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Cilnia humeralis pairs available
Sell Insects

Cilnia humeralis pairs available

Cilnia humeralis L4-L6 pairs available and more species : www.mantispassion.com

Shipping through UE possible

Feel free to contact for any question