male ornataa standard ads [Page 45]
Candoia paulsoni santa isabel
1.2 Candoia paulsoni santa isabel male cb2016 females cb2019 Perfect animals Houten 5.12.2021 possible
I’m looking for male spider, electric blue and G. porteri
Ich suche Männchen:
Chilobrachys sp. electric blue
Grammostola porteri
DRYMARCHON couperi/melanurus
Hi, I'm looking for drymarchon regardless of the subspecies except Korean. (juvenile specimen) male or female
I move, do not hesitate.
5 month Nosy Be true blue male
Nosy Be true blue male-200 euro.I have 3 pieces
Hymenopus coronatus Adult Male
Hello, I am looking for an adult male of hymenopus coronatus as quickly as possible.
Please let me know if you have one available.
Best regards
Farbbartagame Orange / Red Hypo poss. het. Translucent Bock - 270 Gr.
Orange / Red Hypo poss. het. Translucent Bock abzugeben:
Geschlecht: Bock / Male
Er stammt aus einer reinen roten Verpaarung.
Er ist im November 2020 geschlüpft.
Er kommt gerade in die nächste Häutungsphase, die Beine, der Kopf und der Schwanz befinden sich schon in der Häutung.
Orange / Red Hypo poss. het. Translucent - ca. 41 cm groß - 275 Gramm schwer - klare Nägel - Geschlecht: Bock
Unsere Tiere werden regelmäßig außerhalb des Terrariums mit UV-Licht (Osram-Vitalux-Lampe) bestrahlt.
Bei Interesse oder Fragen einfach anrufen (bitte in der Woche erst ab 18 Uhr / oder einfach auf unseren AB sprechen - wir rufen dann umgehend zurück)) oder einfach mailen :-)
Ein Tierversandwäre bei geeigneten Temperaturen möglich.
Bei dem Versand trägt der Käufer das alleinige Transport-Risiko.
Persönliche Abholung wird bevorzugt.
LillyWhite 1.0 proven 2017
A 2017 LillyWhite produced by gekkoriget proven male……………………………..
The price is negotiable
R. Leachianus Bayonnaise - Male
I'm searching for a male R. Leachianus Bayonnaise ? More on ZS.
Thank you and best regards,
Lonely Neurergus kaiseri females looking for mate
I am looking for an ideally adult male (1.0) Neurergus kaiseri for my females.
Please message me if you are interested.
Ich suche nach einem idealerweise ausgewachsenen Neurergus kaiseri Männchen als Gefährten für meine weiblichen Tiere.
Bei Interesse gerne melden.
Corallus hortulanus for Snakeday Houten
1.1 CB2019 from extremely clean bicolor male.
Animals are feeding on frozen, problem free and behaving as they should.
Special price for pair!
Suche pelodiscus sinensis Male
Hallo, ich bin auf der Suche nach einem großen Männchen der chinesischen Weichschildkröte pelodiscus sinensis. Gerne alles anbieten.
I'm looking for SENTICOLIS TRIASPIS male or female, pair ok.
do not hesitate to contact me if you have any information. I move.
Suche männliche Idolomantis diabolica
Da meine weibliche Idolomantis diabolica ihre Imaginalhäutung frisch hinter sich gebracht hat, suche ich dazu ein passendes adultes oder spät subadultes Männchen.
I’m looking for a male Idolomantis diabolica, adult or late subadult stage.
I'm Looking for Verona reptiles
I Looking for Verona Reptiles
Zamenis Situla male
Elaphe quatuorlineata (possible couple)
Beautiful large Bullsnake (Pituophis catenifer sayi) male for sale
Beautiful large Bullsnake (Pituophis catenifer sayi) male for sale.
Due to the housing being too small, I would like to offer this snake a new home.
It is a very good eater and is quite friendly. It is quite large, about 160-170 cm.
It can be picked up on the Snake Day October 10th
horseshoe whip snake (Hemorrhois hippocrepis) male
Big horseshoe whip snake (Hemorrhois hippocrepis) male for sale. It concerns a beautiful dark man of at least 180 cm. It is a species that is rarely offered.
It can be picked up on the Snake Day October 10th
Gonyosoma Silver Oxycephalum
Looking for male or female baby Gonyosoma Oxycephalum silver or both.
Can travel, contact me by message, thanks
Gonyosoma silver oxycephalum
looking for male or female Gonyosoma Oxycephalum silver or both.
Can move
Houten show - Future Terra + I Love Snakes table nr ED7, room 2
Come to our stand at Houten, and admire the highest quality of plastic enclosures available worldwide, together with unusuall snake beauties from I Love Snakes.
Table ED7 room nr 2.
I Love Snakes:
1.0 Epicrates alvarezi CB12/2019
2.2 Elaphe carinata 100% het T+, 50% poss het hypo
1.1 Elaphe carinata 66% poss het hypo
0.0.2 Chilabothrus inornatus CB2020 - feeding on defrosted!
0.1 Philodryas baroni from blue x green breeding
1.1 81.25%SD reticulated python (normal female + platinum male)
Future Terra:
Special offer for the customers that place the order during the show = -10% of total price for terrariums!
We will also have two terrariums available right away, with a large discount:
Modern Grey colour: 100x70x90cm
- dual hinged, tempered glass front with key locks
- hotspot heating solution
- two 25mm polypropylene branches
- fully heat welded construction
Crystal White colour: 90x60x90cm
- dual hinged, tempered glass front
- fully heat welded construction
Looking for Mature Male or Sub Adults
male ornataa Premium ads [Page 45]
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