knoblochi standard ads

Diverse Nattern, Lampropeltis
1.1 Lampropeltis leonis (ex. mexicana thayeri) CB2024 Patternless/Leopard Line
0.1 Lampropeltis knoblochi CB2023 High Red-Line 70gr
All snakes feed perfect on f/t mice.
Trade possible for interresting Lampropeltis (zonata, pyromelana [St. Rita, SentzHypo, Applegate], Elaphe carinata, Bogerthophis, Uroplatus spec., Aeluroscalabotes spec., Geckoella nebulosa, Cyrtodactylus peguensis,
Übergabe in Houten möglich.

Chihuahua Bergkönigsnatter (L.knoblochi)
Gebe NZ 2024 1,1 lampropeltis knoblochi ab.
Übergabe Hannover Reptilienmesse am 6.4. möglich.

Lampropeltis knoblochi NZ 24 ( Chihuahua-Bergkönigsnatter)
Ich gebe NZ 24 Knoblochi ab , sind alle Kern gesund und Fressen Frost.

Bergkönigsnatter (Lampropeltis knoblochi)
1.1 Bergkönigsnattern (Lampropeltis knoblochi) Nachzucht 8/2024 abzugeben.
Die Tiere fressen selbstständig aufgetaute Frostbabymäuse und stammen aus 2 unterschiedlich Gelegen.

Lampropeltis Knoblochi, Philodryas Baroni
CB2022 1.0 Philodryas baroni. Feeding very aggressively on frozen. Very nice yellow and black stripe
CB2017 0.1 Lampropeltis pyromelana knoblochi. Feeds very well on frozen, never skipped a meal nor breed.
CB2016 2.0 Lampropeltis Pyromelana Pyromelana, feeds very well on frozen
WhatsApp +4527622230 and we’ll discuss the details and price :)
I’m gonna be at Houten
Trade possible for gonyosoma

snakes for next Ziva exotika in Prague (CZ)
Youngs 2023
Lampropeltis pyromelana knoblochi, from two diferent blood lines (with F1) - perfect eaters!!!
Vipera ammodytes ammodytes from Ada Bojana - yellow line
Trimeresurus (Viridovipera) gumprechti VIET: Sapa - from twoo diferent blood lines, last pair or group 1,2
Daboia palestinae - adult group 2,2
more info per e-mail or on website

actual offer of youngs 2023:
Lampropeltis pyromelana knoblochi (twoo bloodline F1 and F2)
Trimeresurus gumprechti SaPa (1,1 or 1,2)
Vipera ammodytes from Ada (yellow line)
more info per e-mail or on website:

Trimeresurus, Lampropeltis & Botriechis
Offer for Hamm / Prague
Trimeresurus gupmrechti Viet: Sapa, unrelated fresh ad. Pair
Lampropeltis pyromelana knoblochi, unrelated pair from 2022 (Res)
Botriechis schlegeli, unrelated pair from 2022 (yellow male, green female)
More info
0.1 Lampropeltis pyromelana knoblochi
Suche 0.1 Lampropeltis pyromelana knoblochi.
Angebote bitte direkt an.

Eigene Lampropelten Nachzuchten 2021 abzugeben
3.4 Lampropeltis Campbelli apricot
0.1 Lampropeltis Wodini
0.1 Lampropeltis Blairi
0.1 Lampropeltis Knoblochi Osborne Phase 2
knoblochi Premium ads
Reptiles for Houten Varanus Geckos and more
PREMIUM Varanus acanthurus, panoptes, timorensis
Basiliscus plumifrons, Leiolepis belliana, Laemanctus julioi, Takydromus dorsalis
Tribolonotus gracilis, Tiliua gerrardii, Tropidophorus baconni
Tupinambis rufescens, Acanthosaura armata.
Goniurosaurus catbaensis, bawanglingensis
Hemidactylus prashadi, maculatus
Ptychozoon kuhli, Chondrodactylus bibronii, Gekko stentor
Eryx colubrinus loveridgei, Lampropeltis campbelli Halloween, Lampropeltis knoblochi
Bufo alvarius, marinus, terrestris and more...
Complete price list per email

Lampropeltis Alterna+Palmetto+Knoblochi+Syspila+Zonata+Leonis+Boaedon
+++ Coming Soon +++
for Hamm 14.09.24 >>> Mainhall
Here my availables for Hamm:
> 2,2 Pantherophis Guttatus Palmetto NZ 24
> 1,1 Pantherophis Guttatus Albino Palmetto NZ 24
> 0,1 Pantherophis Guttatus Okeetee Het Palmetto Het Albino adult Breeding Female
>2,2 Königspythons ( ghi, yb, HGW)
> 2,2 Lampropeltis Pyromelana Knoblochi
> 1.1 Lampropeltis Ruthveni Albino Zipper Line NZ 24
> 3,0 Lampropeltis Zonata Pulchra NZ 24
> 0,1 Lampropeltis Mexicana Greeri Super Hypo NZ 24
> 1,6 Lampropeltis Triangulum Syspila Hypo NZ 24
> 1,0 Lampropeltis Triangulum Syspila Hypo Adult
> 1,1 Lampropeltis Triangulum Taylori NZ24
> 1,4 Boaedon capensis Hybino (T+ Albino T- Hypo) Nz 23
> 2,2 Lampropeltis Alterna Black Gap NZ 24
> 1,0 Lampropeltis Leonis Orange NZ 21
> 1,3 Lampropeltis Leonis yellow Hulk NZ 24
> 1,0 Euprepiophis Mandarinus NZ24
> 0,1 Python Regius Panda Piebald NZ 23
> 1,0 highway proven breeder
> 1,0 Heterodon Nasicus Superconda Toffeebelly NZ22
Übergabe in Hamm.
Ein Tierversand ist ebenso möglich. Zustellung kann Dienstag bis Freitag erfolgen.
Tausch gegen Zonata Arten, Applegate, Hypo und Albino Pyromelana, Temporalis Hypo, Alterna Avery, Triangulum Elapsoides, Ghost Alterna und seltene Heterodon.
Bei Fragen oder Tauschangeboten einfach schreiben.

Albino Palmetto/ Hets +Lampropeltis +Boaedon + Tri. Syspila Hypo|
+++ Coming Soon +++
for Hamm 14.09.24 >>> Mainhall
Here my availables for Hamm:
> some baby ball Pythons ( ghi, yb, HGW)
> 4 Lampropeltis Pyromelana Knoblochi
> 1.1 Lampropeltis Ruthveni Albino Zipper Line NZ 24
> 3,0 Lampropeltis Zonata Pulchra NZ 24
> 0,1 Lampropeltis Mexicana Greeri Super Hypo NZ 24
> 1,6 Lampropeltis Triangulum Syspila Hypo NZ 24
> 1,0 Lampropeltis Triangulum Syspila Hypo Adult
> 1,1 Lampropeltis Triangulum Taylori NZ24
> 1,1 Boaedon fuliginosus black Congo Nz 23
> 1,4 Boaedon capensis Hybino (T+ Albino T- Hypo) Nz 23
> 2,2 Lampropeltis Alterna Black Gap NZ 24
> 1,0 Lampropeltis Alterna Blairi Nz 23
> 1,0 Lampropeltis Leonis Orange NZ 21
> 0,1 Lampropeltis Leonis Buckskin NZ 23
> 1,3 Lampropeltis Leonis yellow Hulk NZ 24
> 0,1 Lampropeltis Triangulum Hondurensis (abnorma) Dead Pool Style Nz 22
> 1,1 Lampropeltis Alterna River Road Adult
> 0,1 Pantherophis Guttatus Okeetee Het Palmetto Het Albino adult Breeding Female
> 2,2 Pantherophis Guttatus Het Palmetto NZ 24
> 2,1 Pantherophis Guttatus Albino Het Palmetto NZ 24
> 2,2 Pantherophis Guttatus Palmetto NZ 24
> 2,6 Pantherophis Guttatus Albino Palmetto NZ 24
> 1,0 Euprepiophis Mandarinus NZ24
> 0,1 Python Regius Panda Piebald NZ 23
> 1,0 highway proven breeder
> 1,0 Heterodon Nasicus Superconda Toffeebelly NZ22
Übergabe in Hamm.
Ein Tierversand ist ebenso möglich. Zustellung kann Dienstag bis Freitag erfolgen.
Tausch gegen Zonata Arten, Applegate, Hypo und Albino Pyromelana, Temporalis Hypo, Alterna Avery, Triangulum Elapsoides, Ghost Alterna und seltene Heterodon.
Bei Fragen oder Tauschangeboten einfach schreiben.
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.