houten standard ads [Page 15]
Lampropeltis leonis adult 0.1
Very nice female leonis (mexicana thayeri) from 2019. Can bring to Houten or pick up near Eindhoven Netherlands.
wanted tree frogs Glass frogs
I am looking for some Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni I can collect them from the next Hamm or Houten show if needed.
Bartagamen Extreme Red combos / Citrus Tangerine
Abzugeben / For Sale / Disponible
Bartagame / Pogona Vitticeps / Bearded Dragon
Extreme Red Hypo Trans Génétique Stripe Leatherback Yellow Belly
Extreme Red Hypo Trans GS Yellow Belly
Extreme Red Hypo Het Trans Blue Bar Yellow Belly
Extreme Red Het Trans GS Yellow Belly
Extreme Red Hypo Trans Tiger YB
Citrus Tangerine Hypo Trans GS YB
Citrus Tangerine Hypo GS YB
Citrus Tangerine Tiger
(No Hamm show / No Houten Show)
Frankreich ( Verdun / Metz / Amnéville / Semécourt / Longwy)
Belgium (Messency / Arlon)
Luxemburg (Rodange)
Looking for Eirenis collaris
I currently keep a single male Eirenis collaris, so I am looking for at least 0.1 or possibly 1.2 or more.
Pickup at Hamm in September or October in Houten possible.
Searching for Elaphe quatuorlineata female
Searching for a young female Elaphe quatuorlineata. I am able to pick her up or delivery at one of the Houten and Hamm fairs.
Search: E. cunninghami "New England" Female
I'm searching a Egernia cunninghami "New England" Female Subadults/Adult.
Please only serious offers.
Contact: (+49) 0174/2168048
Futtertierzucht / Nagerkäfige
4 große und 2 kleine Zuchtboxen für Nager inklusive Trinkflaschen und Trennblechen fürs Futter zu verkaufen.
Die Gitter haben teils Rost und brauchen eine ordentliche Reinigung.
Neupreis 80-110€ pro Stück.
Wer morgen in Houten ist oder sie bei Köln abholen will, kann sie für 200€ haben.
Geckos/ isopods for Houten
We can offer the next list for the show in Houten this Sunday 02-06-24
2.2.0 Phelsuma guimbeaui
1.1.2 Phelsuma dorsivittata
0.0.4 Ptychozoon kuhli
0.0.2 Phelsuma mutabilis
x.x.x Mniarogekko chahoua
x.x.x Rhacodactylus auriculatus (orange/red/striped/recticulated)
x.x.x Correlophus ciliatus
1.1.0 Rhacodactylus Leachianus Moro
0.1.1 Rhacodactylus Leachianus Nuu ami
0.2.1 Rhacodactylus Leachianus Bayonnaise
1.3.0 Rhacodactylus Leachianus Mt. Koghis Friedel
0.x.0 Lepidodactylus lugubris
0.3.0 Lepidodactylus lugubris ‘Hawaï’
0.x.0 Achatina fulica
Armadillidium vulgare
Armadillidium pallasii ‘Orange’
Porcellio scaber ‘Lava’
Porcellionides pruinosus ‘Orange powder’
Porcellionides pruinosus ‘Orange koi’
Porcellio laevis ‘Dairy cow’/ ‘Panda’/ ‘Dalmation’
Glomeris marginata
Pachnoda marginata
Lemniscomys barbarus
See you in Houten at place EB6 (smaller hall)
Iguana albinos 0.1 cb 2023
Iguana iguana 0.1 albinos CB 2023
eat well
Pick up at houten 02/06
Milkyfrogs for Houten this sunday
0.0.12 Trachycephalus resinifictrix 3,5 -5 cm.
30€ each,all 250€.
Only for Houten this sunday.
Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus
For Houten
1.1 Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus (male born in 2019 and female in 2018)
14.28.6 Correlophus ciliatus Houten
For Houten
14 male ciliatus
28 female ciliatus
6 unsexed ciliatus
Prefer selling as group. VERY GOOD PRICE for all together.
0.0.8 Atheris squamigera CB Feb.2024 für Houten
0.0.8 Atheris squamigera born February 2024.
Eat little pinkies independently and shed without problems.
Delivery in Houten on 02.06 possible.
Parent animals are not for sale! Please only serious inquiries and no picture collectors.
Suche Crotaphytus dickersonae
Suche Crotaphytus dickersonae, Houten am Sonntag oder Abholung. Bitte keine einzelnen Männchen anbieten ;-)
Gebe ab: 1,0 Cyrtodactylus (Geckoella) peguensis
Houten 02.06.24:
Gebe 1,0 Cyrtodactylus peguensis ab. Top Tier, mittleres Alter!
Suche 0,1 Cyrtodactylus (Geckoella) peguensis
Houten 02.06.24:
Suche 0,1 Cyrtodactylus peguensis. Tausch gegen 1,0 möglich!
Iguana albinos 0.1 CB 01/2023
Iguana Iguana albinos CB 01/2023
0 default
eat well
Pick up at Houten 02/06
Suche Afrikanische Zwergmäuse
Hallo, ich suche noch für Houten 02.06.2024 jemand der Afri. Zwergmäuse hat und welche zu verkaufen hat.
Hello, I am still looking for Houten 02.06.2024 someone who has Afri. Dwarf mice and has some for sale.
furcifer pardalis for houten
For houten this sunday
Ambilobe 1.8
Nosy be 6.7
Cap est 1.0
Faly 3.2
Anthalaha 1.1
Sambava 3.5
CBB 0.1 Paraglow from 2021
CBB 0.1 Paraglow from 2021 available to pick up at the Houten expo on Sunday
houten Premium ads [Page 15]
Stocklist Houten/Hamm Terra-Amphibia
PREMIUM Stocklist Terra-Amphibia
Email: info@terra-amphibia.com
Adelphobates galactonotus orange
Adelphobates galactonotus Blue
Adelphobates galactonotus Moonshine
Ameerega trivittata red
Dendrobates leucomelas greenfoot
Dendrobates auratus Costa rica
Dendrobates auratus Pena Blanca
Dendrobates auratus El oro
Dendrobates leucomelas
Dendrobates tinctorius Azureus
Dendrobates tinctorius 'Patricia'
Dendrobates tinctorius Citronella
Dendrobates tinctorius Citronelle adult
Dendrobates tinctorius Robertus
Dendrobates tinctorius patricia adult
Dendrobates tinctorius nominaat
Dendrobates tinctorius 'Vila nova'
Dendrobates tinctorius tumucumaque
1.2 Ranitomeya imitator tarapoto
Ranitomeya lamasi highland
Ranitomeya imitator Banded
Ranitomeya fantastica Caynarachi
Ranitomeya ventrimaculata
Ranitomeya variabilis southern
Ranitomeya Benedicta
Epipedobates anthonyi
Epipedobates Cielito
Phyllobates vittatus
Phyllobates terribilis Mint
Phyllobates terribilis Dark
Phyllobates terribilis yellow
Oophaga pumilio Bisira
Oophaga pumilio popa
Oophaga pumilio Blue jeans
Oophaga pumilio Colon bocas del drago
Oophaga pumilio Nancy
Mantella nigricans
Pyxicephalus adspersus (African bullfrog)
Lepidobatrachus laevis
1.0 Ceratophrys cranwelli burgundy adult (nice pair)
0.1 Ceratophrys cranwelli strawberry (nice pair)
1.0 Ceratophrys cornuta New
Theloderma corticale
Agalychnis callidryas Reserved
Agalychnis moreletii
Cruziohyla craspedopus small
Cruziohyla craspedopus large
Litoria splendida large New
Hyalinobatrachium valerioi New
Heterixalus alboguttatus
Ambystoma mavortium sub adult
Theraphosa apophysis
Theraphosa stirmi small
Tliltocatl albopilosum niragua
Brachypelma Hamorii
Tliltocatl vagans
Tliltocatl Kahlenbergi
Brachypelma boehmei
Brachypelma emilia
Brachypelma albiceps
Caribena versicolor
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Praying mantis
Blepharopsis mendica
Creobroter spec. „Yunnan“
Creobroter spec. „Yunnan“
Hymenopus coronatus
Miomantis spec.
Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii
Archispirosteptus Gigas sub adult
Porcellio laevis Dairy cow 12/ 15 pieces
Beetle larvea € each
Dynastes hercules hercules Meteor
Dynastes hercules hercules Hiroka
Goliathus goliatus
Megasoma elaphas elaphas
Eudicella morgani
Eudicella trilineata
Dicronorrhina micans
1.1 Anolis marmoratus
Rhacodactylus sarisinorum
Rhacodactylus auriculatus
Correlophus ciliatus
Lepidodactylus lugubrus
Chamaeleo calyptratus
Varanus panoptes
Varanus exanthematicus sub adult
Varanus acanthurus adult male New
Saltuarius salebrosus
Timon nevadensis
Furcifer pardalis Nosy be male
Heloderma suspectum Male
Iguana iguana Albino Pair!!
Geochelone pardalis
Agrionemys horsfieldii
Chelonoidis denticulata
Chelydra serpentina
Boiga Cyanea 425 CB 2019
Corallus hortulanus
1.0 Lichanura trivirgata trivirgata
Pituophis catenifer sayi
1.0 Epicrates cenchria cenchria
Many more !!
‼️ We sell captivebred and raised animals from local and our own breedings ‼️
If you looking for other species or if you have other questions please let us know.
Email: info@terra-amphibia.com
Adulte Zuchtweibchen / Männchen Pied
For Houten and Hamm show
1.0 Yellowbelly Pied, 1340g, 300,-
1.0 Leopard Cin. Pied, 1370g, 550,-
1.0 Leo dh.Lav/Pied, 1370g, 550,-
0.1 Yellowbelly h. Pied, 1900g, 250,-
0.2 Yb - Pastel het. Pied, 1700g 250,-ea.
0.2 Pastel het Pied, 1700g, 2340g 150,-ea.
0.5 Classic het Pied 2000g-2400g, 120,-ea.
0.1 Leopard dh. Pied/Albino, 2100g, 450,-
0.1 Pied high white, 2100g 600,-
0.1 Vanilla, 2400g 100,-
0.2 Fire 2700g, 2500g 100,-ea.
0.1 Candino Ph Pied, 930g 250,-
Simalia amethystina & Morelia viridis
For Houten delivery 28th August
1.1 Simalia amethystina CB2019 sorong locality, fantastic animals and ready to breed this season 1500€ pair only
1.1 Morelia viridis Biak pure locality cb2019 female, cb2020 male 1800€ pair only
Tiliqua scincoides intermedia 0.0.9 CB22
Ich habe 0.0.9 NZ von meinem intermedia Pärchen bekommen. Vier möchte ich gerne in gute Hände abgegeben. Sie haben sich vor einer Woche das erste Mal gehäutet und es sind verschiedene Färbungen zum Vorschein gekommen. Zwei besonders rote Tiere, mit rötlichen Flanken und mehrere Tiere mit gelben Flanken und blasser Grundfarbe.
Der Vater entstand aus einer Red x Sunset Kreuzung von Ron Couto aus den USA (siehe Foto). Beide Merkmale sind bei einzelnen Tieren gut zu erkennen. Die Mutter aus einer hellen Zuchtlinie von Michael edge aus England. Tiere können besichtigt werden oder auf Börsen (Houten, Hamm, andere nach Absprache) übergeben werden.
0.0.1 290€
0.0.4 1000€
On Friday 03.06 I will travel from Poland to HOUTEN Terraristic show
I will be in Germany, Netherlands and Belgium.
Choose spiders from my list and probably I will be able to meet with you and deliver the spiders DIRECTLY TO YOU!
Also you can meet with me on HOUTEN Terraria Show ;D
A lots of interesting and rare spiders from imports and my private breeding.
Aphonopelma Mihoacan (ADULT)
1x FEMALE – 150e
3x FEMALE – 420e
8x FEMALE – 1000e
Avicularia Purpurea (FH1/2)
10x – 140e
30x – 360e
50x – 550e
Cardiopelma Mascatum (1,5BL)
1x PAIR - 60
5x PAIR - 250
Caribena Versicolor PAIR: FEMALE + MALE (SUBADULT 2,5-3BL)
1x PAIR – 80e
3x PAIR – 210e
Chromatopelam cyaneopubescens (FH1)
10x – 120e
50x – 500e
100x – 900e
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (2,5-3BL)
1x PAIR – 45e
5x PAIR – 200e
Cyriopagopius Lividus FEMALES (ADULT)
1x FEMALE – 55e
5x FEMALES – 240e
Cyriopagopus Minax ‘Big Black’ (ADULT)
1x FEMALE – 80e
3x FEMALE – 210e
Chilobrachys Electric Blue (FH2/3)
10x – 150e
30x – 420e
Grammostolla Pulchra (ADULT)
1x FEMALE – 200e
3x FEMALE – 560e
10x FEMALE – 1700e
Harpactira pulchripes (3-3,5BL)
1x FEMALE – 60e
3x FEMLAE – 150e
Megaphobema velvetosoma (ADULT)
1x FEMALE – 100e
3x FEMALE – 270e
Pamphobeteus Antinous Big Black (7BL)
1x FEMALE – 140e
3x FEMALE – 400e
8x FEMALE - 900e
Psalmopoeus Victorii (FH1/2)
10x – 190e
30x – 540e
50x – 850e
Poecilotheria Metallica (FH1)
10x – 150e
30x – 420e
50x – 650e
Poecilotheria Metallica (FH3/4)
10x – 180e
30x – 480e
50x – 700e
Poecilotheria Metallica (5,5BL)
1x FEMALE - 100e
3x FEMALE – 270e
Tliltocatl Epicureanum PAIR: FEMALE + MALE (3-3,5BL)
1x PAIR – 80e
5x PAIR – 360e
10x PAIR – 620e
Ybyrapora sooretama (FH1)
10x – 320e
30x – 900e
Phidippus Regius Orange ‘Florida” (FH2)
5x – 60e
10x – 50e
30x – 270e
CRESTED GECKOS: Lilly white and common ones, photos and more informations via what’s up
Whats up: +48 783 262 453
Feel free to ask any questions!
Best regards
Available for hamm show or houten jun 2022
0.1 Aeluroscalabotes felinus (young female, ready to breed)
2.2 Nephrurus deleani cb2022-21
8.8.4 Nephrurus levis levis (adult and subadult pairs cb2020-21-22)
3.3 Chondrodactylus angulifer (cb2022 and cb2021)
0.0.7 Crotaphytus melanomaculatus (cb2022)
0.0.7 Microlophus albemarlensis (CB22, and two young males)
0.0.3 Crotaphytus bicinctore (cb2022)
0.0.70 Crotaphytus collaris (cb2022)
0.0.7 Timon Kurdistanicus (cb2022)
2.2.10 Pogona vitticeps hypo het trans and hypo trans red
3.3 Uromastyx nigriventis flame (cb21, super quality parents, registered in spanish authorities)
1.1 Uromastyx ornata Philby (cb16-cb20) breed and registered in Austria, Zizka
0.0.2 Geochelone platynota (cites and chip)
0.1 Geochelone elegans (cites and chip)
1.1 Geckoella/Cyrtodactylus peguensis
0.0.40 Eubleplaris macularius cb22 different morphs
4.4 Rachodactylus leachianus gt mt koghis cb21 (red bar harkito bloodline) no red animals
1.1 R leachianus Mt koghis friedel adult
1.1 R. leachianus Nu ana adult
10.10 mniarogekko chahoua (ready to breed, 2 years old)
2.2 Corucia Zebrata (Proven breeders) from Italian breeder Stefano Alcini
3.3 Rhinoclemmys rubida rubida (Imported)
2.2 Rhinoclemmys rubida perixantha (Imported)
1.1 Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima pulcherrima
2.2 Drymarchon melanurus rubidus (Imported, LTC)
1.1 Hydromedusa maximilani (adults proven breeders)
10 pituophis deppei deppei (imported)
Can be part in trade for:
1.0 Nephrurus laevisimus, 0.1 red back ater, 1.0 Geckoella/Cyrtodactylus jeyporensis
More info PM
Stocklist houten Terra-Amphibia
Available for Houten 5 June or pick up.
More info
Stocklist Terra-Amphibia
Adelphobates galactonotus orange
Adelphobates galactonotus Blue
Adelphobates galactonotus Moonshine
Ameerega trivittata red
Dendrobates auratus Pena blanca
Dendrobates auratus Costa rica
Dendrobates auratus El oro
Dendrobates leucomelas
Dendrobates tinctorius Azureus
Dendrobates tinctorius 'Patricia'
Dendrobates tinctorius Citronella
Dendrobates tinctorius Citronella adult
Dendrobates tinctorius Robertus
Dendrobates tinctorius patricia adult
Dendrobates tinctorius nominaat
Dendrobates tinctorius 'Vila nova'
Dendrobates tinctorius sipaliwini green
Dendrobates tinctorius tumucumaque
1.2 Ranitomeya imitator tarapoto
Ranitomeya imitator Banded
Ranitomeya fantastica Caynarachi
Ranitomeya ventrimaculata
Ranitomeya amazonica iquitos reserved
Ranitomeya variabilis southern
Ranitomeya Benedicta
Epipedobates anthonyi
Epipedobates Cielito
Phyllobates vittatus
Phyllobates terribilis Mint
Phyllobates terribilis Dark
Phyllobates terribilis yellow
5x Oophaga pumilio Bisira
1x Oophaga pumilio popa
Oophaga pumilio Blue jeans
Mantella nigricans
Atelopus barbotini
Pyxicephalus adspersus (African bullfrog)
Theloderma corticale
Lepidobatrachus laevis
Agalychnis callidryas
Cuziohyla craspodopus
1.0 Ceratophrys cranwelli burgundy adult
0.1 Ceratophrys cranwelli strawberry
Ceratophrys cranwelli apricot
Ambystoma mavortium sub adult
Triturus marmoratus
Theraphosa apophysis
Theraphosa stirmi small
2x Brachypelma Hamorii
2x Tliltocatl vagans
1x Tliltocatl Kahlenbergi
1x Brachypelma boehmei
2x Brachypelma emilia
1x Brachypelma albiceps
Caribena versicolor
Archispirosteptus Gigas sub adult
30x Porcellio laevis Dairy cow 12/ 15 pieces
Beetle larvea
3x Dynastes hercules hercules METEOR LINE (verry massive line)
3x Dynastes hercules hercules HIROKA LINE
8x Goliathus goliatus L2 L3
2x Megasoma elaphas elaphas L2/L3
1.1 Anolis marmoratus
Rhacodactylus sarisinorum
Rhacodactylus auriculatus
Correlophus ciliatus
Lepidodactylus lugubrus
Chamaeleo calyptratus
Varanus panoptes
Varanus exanthematicus sub adult
Saltuarius salebrosus male
Timon nevadensis
Furcifer pardalis Nosy be male
Heloderma suspectum Male
Ctenosaura palearis
Geochelone pardalis
Agrionemys horsfieldii
4x Chelonoidis denticulata
Chelydra serpentina
Boiga Cyanea CB 2019
1.1 Hydrodynastes gigas
Corallus hortulanus
1.0 Lichanura trivirgata trivirgata
Pituophis catenifer sayi
Lampropeltis getula holbrooki
1.0 Epicrates cenchria cenchria
Many more species !
If you are looking for something else please let us know via info@terra-amphibia.nl
Pick up possible at the next fair in Houten 5 June 22
TransRep Reptilientransporte
Reptilien Sammeltransport in DE
letzte Tour am 28. + 29.05.22
vor Houten und Hamm!
Transporte nach Houten und Hamm wir haben auf beiden Börsen einen Tisch.
Weitere Infos unter http://TransRep.de
Stocklist Terra-Amphibia, Amphibians,reptiles and more
Available for Houten 5 June or pick up.
More info
Stocklist Terra-Amphibia
Adelphobates galactonotus orange
Adelphobates galactonotus Blue
Adelphobates galactonotus Moonshine
Ameerega trivittata red
Dendrobates auratus 'Super Blue' reserved
Dendrobates auratus Costa rica
Dendrobates auratus El oro
Dendrobates leucomelas
Dendrobates tinctorius Azureus
Dendrobates tinctorius 'Patricia'
Dendrobates tinctorius Citronella
Dendrobates tinctorius Citronella adult
Dendrobates tinctorius patricia adult
Dendrobates tinctorius nominaat
Dendrobates tinctorius 'Vila nova'
Dendrobates tinctorius sipaliwini green
Dendrobates tinctorius tumucumaque
1.2 Ranitomeya imitator tarapoto
Ranitomeya imitator Banded
Ranitomeya fantastica Caynarachi
Ranitomeya ventrimaculata
Ranitomeya amazonica iquitos reserved
Ranitomeya variabilis southern
Ranitomeya Benedicta
Epipedobates anthonyi
Epipedobates Cielito
Phyllobates vittatus
Phyllobates terribilis Mint
Phyllobates terribilis Dark
Phyllobates terribilis yellow
5x Oophaga pumilio Bisira
1x Oophaga pumilio popa
Oophaga pumilio Blue jeans
Mantella nigricans
1.1 Atelopus barbotini sold
Pyxicephalus adspersus (African bullfrog)
Melanophryniscus stelzneri reserved
Theloderma corticale
Lepidobatrachus laevis
Agalychnis callidryas
Cuziohyla craspodopus SOON
1.0 Ceratophrys cranwelli burgundy adult
0.1 Ceratophrys cranwelli strawberry
Ceratophrys cranwelli apricot
Ambystoma mavortium sub adult
Triturus marmoratus
Theraphosa apophysis
Theraphosa stirmi small
2x Brachypelma Hamorii
2x Tliltocatl vagans
1x Tliltocatl Kahlenbergi
1x Brachypelma boehmei
2x Brachypelma emilia
1x Brachypelma albiceps
Caribena versicolor
Archispirosteptus Gigas sub adult
30x Porcellio laevis Dairy cow 12/ 15 pieces
Beetle larvea
3x Dynastes hercules hercules METEOR LINE (verry massive line)
3x Dynastes hercules hercules HIROKA LINE
8x Goliathus goliatus L2 L3
2x Megasoma elaphas elaphas L2/L3
1.1 Anolis marmoratus
Rhacodactylus sarisinorum
Rhacodactylus auriculatus
Correlophus ciliatus
Lepidodactylus lugubrus
Chamaeleo calyptratus
Varanus panoptes
Varanus exanthematicus sub adult
Saltuarius salebrosus male
Timon nevadensis
Furcifer pardalis Nosy be male
Heloderma suspectum Male
Ctenosaura palearis
Geochelone pardalis
Agrionemys horsfieldii
4x Chelonoidis denticulata
Chelydra serpentina
Boiga Cyanea CB 2019
1.1 Hydrodynastes gigas
Corallus hortulanus
1.0 Lichanura trivirgata trivirgata
Pituophis catenifer sayi
Lampropeltis getula holbrooki
1.0 Epicrates cenchria cenchria
Caiman crocodilis (1 Meter big)
If you are looking for something else please let us know via info@terra-amphibia.nl
Pick up possible at the next fair in Houten 5 June 22
PYXICEPHALUS ADSPERSUS 3cm Lepidobatrachus laevis
List for pet shops possible delivery in houten on sunday
Agrionemys horsfieldii 12/13 cm
Centrochelys sulcata small
Plesuma lineata
Plesuma quadricelata
Plesuma laticauda
Plesuma kochi
Auratus Costa Rica
auratus sábalos
auratus colon
auratus Peña blanca.
auratus el Cope
auratus el oro
auratus brons
Auratus albina
auratus microspot
Leucomela band.
Dendrobates azureus
Clamidosaurius kingii
Litoria caerolea
Bufo subaster
Gonyosoma oxycephalum
Tiliqua gigas
Hydrosaurus celebensis adult
Tropidophorus baconi
Hydrosaurus celebensis baby
Ptychozon khuli
Pytas carinata male big
Acrochordus javanicus
Xenopeltis unicolor
Malpolon moilensis
Spalerophis diadema
Lytorhynchus diadema
Natrix tesselata
Telescopus dhora
Stenordactylus doriae
Sternodactylus sternodactylus
Laudakia brachydactyla
Acanthodactylus pardalis
Scincus scincus
Lepidobatrachus laevis
Crasted Geckos, Kronengecko with DELIVER to DE/NL/BE - HOUTEN 17.04
On Friday 17.04 I will travel from Poland to Houten Terraristic show
15.04 and 16.04 – I will be in Belgium, Netherlands and Germany.
Choose GECKOS from my list and probably I will be able to meet with you and deliver the GECKOS DIRECTLY TO YOU!
Also you can meet with me on Houten Terraria Show ;D
SPECIAL OFFER: Correlophus (Rhacodactylus) ciliatus - Crasted gecko - Kronengecko
Pinstripe / Dalmatian / Red #1 -> #8
Lilly white #1 -> #4 -
Lility white RED #1 -> #2
More informations via what's up: +48 783 262 453
or email: michal.k.krolicki@gmail.com
My facebook fanpage:
My WebShop in under building process. Soon will be ready ;)
I also have the spider's. The list is below:
Best regards
Spiders Empire
Spiders Empire Tour to Netherlands - DELIVER to DE/NL/BE
On Friday 17.04 I will travel from Poland to Houten Terraristic show
15.04 and 16.04 – I will be in Belgium, Netherlands and Germany.
Choose spiders from my list and probably I will be able to meet with you and deliver the spiders DIRECTLY TO YOU!
Also you can meet with me on Houten Terraria Show ;D
A lots of interesting and rare spiders from my private breeding.
0.0.20 Aphonopelma Bicoloratum fh3/4 550e
0.0.50 Pseudohapalopus sp Blue fh1 300e
0.0.10 Caribena Versicolor fh1 60e
My whole list with:
Pamphobeteus, Avicularia, Harpactira, Brachypelma, Tapinauchenius, Aphonopelma, Theraphosa, Phormictopus, Psalmopoeus, Pseudohapalopus, Ephebopus, Cyriopagopus and much much more...
List of available spiders below:
My facebook fanpage:
My WebShop in under building process. Soon will be ready ;)
I also have the crasted gecko's.
Pinstripe / lilly white / tricolor / dalmatian
Toddlers 3 months old about 7-12 grams.
Best regards
Spiders Empire
Cachryx, horridum, leachianus and more to Houten
-1.1 Brachylophus fasciatus
-2.2 Heloderma horridum ultra black
-2.2 Cachryx defensor
-1.1 Cachryx alfredschmidti
-1.1 Leachianus GT pink
-1.1 Leachianus GT
-0.0.2 Leachianus GT MT koghis (mother melanistic)
-0.0.1 Tupinambis teguxine
-2.0 Mniarogecko chahoua
-0.0.1 Paleosuchus trigonatus
-1.0 Nephrurus vertebralis
-1.1 Nephrurus levis levis
-0.1 Varanus indicus proven
-0.1 hydrosaurus weberi
-1.0 Pogona vitticeps red hypotrans
Frösche for hamm uder houten
We have for the nex Hamm ore Houten show follow frogs
Ranitomeya fantastica Treu nominate
Ranitomeya fantastica monte Cristo
Ranitomeya fantastica caynarachii
Ranitomeya benedicta pampa hermosa
Ranitomeya reticulata
Ranitomeya imitator tarapoto
Ranitomeya imitator nominate
Ranitomeya imitator Jeberos
Ranitomeya Vanzolinii
Ranitomeya amazonica Iquitos Red
Ranitomeya chazuta
Ranitomeya Baja Huallaga
Ranitomeya Imitator Banded
For interesting contackt me:
Whats app: 0031611090353
Facebook: Ricolangenheim
Email: Ricolangenheim@hotmail.com
Stocklist houten Terra-Amphibia
Email: info@terra-amphibia.com
Website www.terra-amphibia.com
Stocklist Terra-Amphibia
Adelphobates galactonotus orange
Adelphobates galactonotus blue
Ameerega bassleri 'Sisa'
Ameerega trivittata red
Dendrobates auratus Elcope
Dendrobates leucomelas
Dendrobates auratus Costa rica
Dendrobates tinctorius 'Patricia'
Dendrobates tinctorius azureus
Dendrobates tinctorius Citronella
Dendrobates tinctorius nominaat
Dendrobates tinctorius 'Vila nova'
Dendrobates tinctorius sipaliwini green
Dendrobates tinctorius tumucumaque
1.2 Ranitomeya imitator tarapoto
Ranitomeya vanzolinii
Ranitomeya imitator Banded
Ranitomeya fantastica Caynarachi
Ranitomeya ventrimaculata
Ranitomeya amazonica iquitos
Ranitomeya variabilis southern
Ranitomeya Benedicta
Epipedobates anthonyi
Epipedobates Cielito
Phyllobates vittatus
Phyllobates terribilis Mint
Phyllobates terribilis Dark
Phyllobates terribilis Yellow
6x Oophaga pumilio Basira
1x Oophaga pumilio popa
2.1 Atelopus barbotini
Pyxicephalus adspersus (African bullfrog)
Melanophryniscus stelzneri
Theloderma corticale
Agalychnis callidryas
Agalychnis moreletti
Litoria splendida
Lepidobatrachus laevis
Ambystoma mavortium sub adult
Tylototriton shanjing
1.0 Ceratophrys cranwelli burgundy adult
Ceratophrys cranwelli strawberry
Poecilotheria rufilata sub adult
Theraphosa apophysis
Tliltocatl albopilosum niragua
Brachypelma Hamorii
Tliltocatl albopilosum hobbyline
Tliltocatl vagans
Tliltocatl Kahlenbergi
Brachypelma boehmei
Brachypelma emilia
Brachypelma albiceps
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Tliltocatl albopilosum
Archispirosteptus Gigas sub adult
30x Porcellio laevis Dairy cow 12/ 15 pieces
Beetle larvea
Goliathus goliatus L2 L3
Megasoma elaphas elaphas
Phelsuma laticauda angularis
Rhacodactylus sarisinorum
Rhacodactylus ciliatus
Lepidodactylus lugubrus
Chamaeleo calyptratus
Varanus cumingi
Varanus tristus orientalis
Saltuarius salebrosus
Timon nevadensis
Uromastyx acanthinura adult
Furcifer pardalis ambilobe nosy be
Geochelone pardalis
Agrionemys horsfieldii
Chelonoidis denticulata
Chelydra serpentina
Boiga Cyanea
1.1 Hydrodynastes gigas
Corallus hortulanus
1.0 Lichanura trivirgata trivirgata
1.0 Epicrates cenchria cenchria
Many more, ask for the stocklist.
If you looking for something else please let us know.
Email: info@terra-amphibia.com
Website www.terra-amphibia.com
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