houten standard ads [Page 12]

Colubrids kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Drymarchon Corais 1.0 for Hamm or Houten +2
Sell Colubrids

Drymarchon Corais 1.0 for Hamm or Houten

For Hamm or Houten 1.0 Drymarchon Corais 2021.
Waiting offer.
Healthy animal ready for breeding.

Currently looking for Hamm or Houten :

1.0 Daboia palaestinae

Hit me up, with pic, price and so on.
Preffer adults, but also around yearling.

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa c. constrictor Guyana +2
Sell Boas

Boa c. constrictor Guyana

Boa c.c. Guyana for sale
import Guyana for 280-320,- EURO
small/subadult/adult size
perfect eating
free transport in Hamm and Houten
more pictures and info: www.eniak.cz
or email: eniak@ji.cz

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Nephrurus Amyaes CB 2023 hypo/normal +1
Sell Geckos

Nephrurus Amyaes CB 2023 hypo/normal

Hi !

Very nice nephrurus amyae for sale in hamm show or houten.

6.4 CB 2023

Super male hypo !

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Corallus caninus - Emerald Tree Boa +2
Sell Snakes

Corallus caninus - Emerald Tree Boa

Corallus caninus, import Guyana
small/subadult/adult size
healthy animals, no vomiting
680 - 720,- EURO/each
free transport to Hamm or Houten
more info and pictures: www.eniak.cz
or: eniak@ji.cz

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Snakes for sale during Snakeday Houten +2
Sell Snakes

Snakes for sale during Snakeday Houten

- 0.1 Trimeresurus insularis blue CB20, ready to breed
- 0.1 crotalus pyrrhus CB23, Tinajas Atlas (USA)
- 4.0 vipera a. francisciredi CB24, Tessin (Switzerland)
- 4.3 vipera a. hugyi CB24, Etna (Italy), no single female
- 5.3 crotalus morulus CB24, Coahuila (MX), no single female
- 1.1 zamenis (rhinechis) scalaris CB19, Zaragoza (Spain), proven breeders
- 1.1 zamenis (rhinechis) scalaris CB23, Zaragoza (Spain)
- 1.1 drymarchon m. melanurus CB22

Reservation only after deposit.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Lampropeltis Knoblochi, Philodryas Baroni +2
Sell Snakes

Lampropeltis Knoblochi, Philodryas Baroni

CB2022 1.0 Philodryas baroni. Feeding very aggressively on frozen. Very nice yellow and black stripe
CB2017 0.1 Lampropeltis pyromelana knoblochi. Feeds very well on frozen, never skipped a meal nor breed.
CB2016 2.0 Lampropeltis Pyromelana Pyromelana, feeds very well on frozen

WhatsApp +4527622230 and we’ll discuss the details and price :)

I’m gonna be at Houten

Trade possible for gonyosoma

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: SnakeDay Houten, Holland am 6. Oktober. Siehe www.snakesociety.nl
Sell Snakes

SnakeDay Houten, Holland am 6. Oktober. Siehe www.snakesociety.nl

SnakeDay Houten, Holland am 6. Oktober. Siehe www.snakesociety.nl

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Venomous snakes, crotalus & vipera +2
Sell Venomous snakes

Venomous snakes, crotalus & vipera

2.0 crotalus ornatus from Davis mts, CB2022. Both nice and healthy animals from unrelated parents, feeding on defrost mice. Price €150 per animal or €250 for both.
0.1 crotalus cerastes cercobombus. I took over this animal because the owner died. The animal is CB and about 10 years old. Price €175
1.2 vipera ammodytes meridionalis CB20. Two sisters and brother. Wonderfully coloured animals, very healthy and large. The golden lady gave birth in 2023. Price 225 for the 2 ladies together. €150 for single animal.
I dont go to Hamm, will be able to go to snakeday Houten
Fotos with and without flash.

Got 2 adult pairs of Argentina Boas, boa constrictor Occidentalis

1,1 from 2010 that are proven breeders
1,1 from 2018 young unrelated pair

1.600€ each pair or discount if you buy both pairs

For Hamm or Houten.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Heterodon nasicus/ hognose snake +2
Sell Snakes

Heterodon nasicus/ hognose snake

Adult males for sale.
4 years old and ready to breed.

Albino poss het snow: 60,=
Anaconda poss het snow : 50,=
Normal 100% het snow 50,=

All together 125,=

Handover Hamm or snakeday Houten possible.

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Egernia for Hamm or Houten +2
Sell Lizards

Egernia for Hamm or Houten

Cb 2024
0.0.x egernia stokesii
0.0.x egernia hosmeri
0.0.x egernia depressa normal
0.0.x egernia depressa silverhead
0.0.x egernia epsisolus

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Nephrurus for Hamm or Houten +2
Sell Lizards

Nephrurus for Hamm or Houten

Cb 2023 and almost ready to breed:
1.2 Nephrurus levis levis patternless
3.3 Nephrurus asper
2.2 Nephrurus cintus less pattern
1.1 Nephrurus wheeleri

Cb 2024:
Nephrurus asper unsexed
Nephrurus amyae unsexed

Agama kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Pogona henrylawsoni for Houten +1
Sell Agama

Pogona henrylawsoni for Houten

Offering P. henrylawsoni Babys
359€ / 10 Animals
Deposit for Delivery required

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: FOR HOUTEN: Naja siamensis NZ 07/24 +2
Sell Venomous snakes

FOR HOUTEN: Naja siamensis NZ 07/24

Very beautiful Naja siamensis babies are on offer. Various patterns are available.
Available for SALE/TRADE:

8.6 Naja siamensis

Single price 105€
Pair 190€.

Hey, I search 1.0 Thamnophis marcianus CB. possible pick up hamm/houten.

Colubrids kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.0 Elaphe c carinata 100% het Leucistic/Ivory  cb/Nz 2023 +2
Sell Colubrids

1.0 Elaphe c carinata 100% het Leucistic/Ivory cb/Nz 2023

Für/For Hamm or Snakeday in Houten.

1.0 cb/Nz 2023 Elaphe c carinata 100 % het leucistic/Ivory.

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Laemanctus julioi 0,25  7.8/24 +2
Sell Lizards

Laemanctus julioi 0,25 7.8/24

Laemanctus julioi 0,25 7.8/24
For 7.9.24 Živa exotika Prague and 14.9.24 Houten

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Python regius / Königspython - DG / Piebald CB23 and adults +2
Sell Ball Pythons

Python regius / Königspython - DG / Piebald CB23 and adults

Delivery and handover to Hamm and Houten shows possible.

we feed only frozen/thawed rats

adult/proven breeder:

1,0 Pastel Red Stripe DG 1.900g
0,1 OD het Piebald 2.200g
0,1 Enchi Vanilla het Piebald 2.300g
0,1 Enchi het DG poss het Hypo 3.100g
0,1 Enchi het DG 3.100g
0,1 Pastel Lesser 2.400g
0,1 Pastel Mojave 4.400g

1,0 Mojave Enchi Vanilla YB Piebald CB23 - should be ready for the coming season

For Sale and handover in Hamm or Houten

6pcs V18 Layers with heatmat