hamm standard ads [Page 112]

Turtles and Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Looking for Malaclemys terrapin concentric
Search Turtles and Tortoises

Looking for Malaclemys terrapin concentric

Looking for hamm and verona or Milan
Malaclemys terrapin concentric
What‘p 00393311388468
Send email with info and pics.

Looking for bigger Xenopus
Suche größere Krallenfrösche
Gerne für Hamm Versand oder Abholung

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Python bivittatus Albino Labirynth 0.1 +1
Sell Pythons

Python bivittatus Albino Labirynth 0.1

Hi! I have for sell Python bivittatus 0.1. She has 2m and 2 years old. I have CITES. I'm from Poland, possible Ostrava, Ziva Exotika, Hamm

Hello, I am looking for a pair or female Pachydactylus rangei. I am looking for the possibility of shipping to Poland or transport to Hamm, Ostrava or Ziva Exotica in Prague. Please provide information about the age of the geckos and the price, country and possibility of shipping or transport

Turtles and Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Testudo kleinmanni  CB 23
Sell Turtles and Tortoises

Testudo kleinmanni CB 23

For sale
Testudo kleinmanni CB 23
to Hamm in September

Poison dart frogs kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Dendrobates leucomelas bolivar fein gepunktet bis gold +2
Sell Poison dart frogs

Dendrobates leucomelas bolivar fein gepunktet bis gold

Dendrobates leucomelas bolivar (sehr fein genetzt / gepunktet)
3 verschiedene Gruppen: normal - fein gepunktet, sehr fein gepunktet, fast gelb (gold)
Preis ab 30 bis 45€, je nach Farbe

Folgende Dendrobaten biete ich auf der Terraristika Hamm (Haupthalle Reihe 18, Stand 1 - 2) an:

Dendrobates tinctorius oyapok
Dendrobates tinctorius citronella
Dendrobates leucomelas bolivar (sehr fein genetzt / gepunktet)
Dendrobates leucomelas cerro autana
Dendrobates auratus microspot
Dendrobates auratus birkhahn (blau)
Dendrobates azureus
Phyllobates bicolor Jungtiere

Haupthalle Reihe 18, Stand 1 - 2

Chamaeleons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 2.0 BRADYPODION DAMARANUM +2
Sell Chamaeleons


I hereby offer 2.0 BRADYPODION DAMARANUM. Animals are now half a year old and can be taken to Hamm on September 14.

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Correlophus ciliatus 1.0 +1
Sell Geckos

Correlophus ciliatus 1.0

Biete hier einen meiner Kronengeckos an, da wir einen Männer Überschuss haben.

Frisst sowohl Brei als auch Grillen.

VHB 80€

Standort Herford, Übergabe Hamm im September möglich.

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 2.0 Lily White Crestedgecko Kronengecko +2
Sell Geckos

2.0 Lily White Crestedgecko Kronengecko

Je 100,- € VB

Rhacodactylus aka Correlophus Ciliatus

Übergabe in Hamm oder Transport müsste selbst organisiert werden

Hello I'm looking for 1.1/1.2 leiocephalus schreibersii handover possible in September at terraristika Hamm

Search Turtles and Tortoises

Malaclemys Terrapin concentric 1.0 Hamm

I’m looking for 1.0 Malaclemys terrapin concentric .
zona Milan, available pick up in show Ham in Settembre.

Greeting! I’m looking for some kind of snakes for Hamm:

Corn (Babies and Adult):
Palmetto (Combos)
Scaleless (Combos)
Shatter (Combos)
Stripe (Combos)

Looking for 1.0 Kingsville Red Albino (het Albino) Adult

Patternless (Combos)
Kingsville Red Tiger

Philodryas baroni (Babies and Adult):
Green, Blue

Blue Beauty and Cave Dwelling Rat Snake ((Babies and Adult))

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Theraphosa blondi and Avicularia bicegoi
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Theraphosa blondi and Avicularia bicegoi

Offer for shipping or Hamm

0.0.8 Theraphosa blondi 3-4cm
80€ each or all together 600€

Avicularia bicegoi n2-3
5stk 100€

Poison dart frogs kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Oophaga histrionica „playa de oro“ +2
Sell Poison dart frogs

Oophaga histrionica „playa de oro“

Hallo biete für Hamm 0.0.2 ENZ playa de oro an. Landgang 03/04.24
Schöne große und stabile Jungtiere.

vb: 750€

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa constrictor morphs: VPI, Key West, Anery, Leopard +2
Sell Boas

Boa constrictor morphs: VPI, Key West, Anery, Leopard

Handover in Hamm is possible!

1.0 Anery het VPI - 150 Euro
1.1 VPI Snow - 1500 Euro pro Tier


0.1 Keywest het VPI poss Anery - 590 Euro
0.1 VPI Keywest poss Anery - 900 Euro

0.1 VPI Snow - 1200 Euro

1.0 Anery het VPI CB18 - 180 Euro
1.0 VPI het Anery CB17 proven breeder - 550 Euro
0.1 Hypo Keywest het VPI CB17 proven breeder - 900 Euro
0.1 DH VPI Snow CB14 proven breeder - 550 Euro
0.1 VPI Sunglow poss. Anery CB18 - 650 Euro
0.1 DH VPI Leopard CB19 - 750 Euro

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: For Hamm September and Verona October
Search Lizards

For Hamm September and Verona October

I'm looking for:
- Uromastyx aegyptia
- Brachilophus vitiensis
- Intellagama lesueurii
I will go to Hamm september and Verona October. I hope someone can help me :)

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: A.squamigera,e.mandarina+moelendorfii                             . +1
Sell Venomous snakes

A.squamigera,e.mandarina+moelendorfii .

Adult,high red female,0,1 e.moelendorfii+mandarina,for Hamm,and it is possible to obtain CB reptiles(bungarus,gonyosoma ,boiga,erpeton,rare tropidolaemus,elaphe,gonocephalus,goliatus,toxodera mantis..),write, I'll send the list.in stock now only squamigera .please only whats app +421905469145

I am looking for some Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni I can collect them from the next Hamm or Houten show if needed.

Looking for Hamm September females philodryas baroni (my female died this year laying eggs...)

Search for hamm dwarf crocodile and caiman breeding adults
Caïman crocodilus
Osteolaemus tetraspis
Paleosuchus palpebrosus
1.2 1.1
who are ready to reproduce