hamm standard ads [Page 10]
Varanus macraei female Price
Hallo, ich suche eine weibliche Waranmakraei. Am besten trifft man sich an der Börse in Hamm
Aplopeltura, Gonyosoma, Rhabdophis
Last chance to Hamm:
1,0 Drymarchon erebennus cb15
2,1 Gonyosoma jansenii cb24
0,0,2 Coeleognathus flavolineata cb24
X,X Tribolonotus gracilis
0,0,2 Rhabdophis subminiatus
0,1 Rhabdophis flaviceps
1,1 Chrysopelea paradisi borneo
1,1 Xenodermus javanicus
0,0,4 Pareas carinatus
1,1 Aplopeltura boa
1,1 Oligodon purpurascens
1,1 Psamnodynastes pulverulentus
0,1 Gonyosoma jansenii
1,1 Gonyosoma jansenii BLACK
0,0,2 Acrochordus javanicus
2 x Gekko gecko rare morph
1,2 Gonocephalus doriae abbotti
1,1 Gonocephalus khuli
1,1 Sphenomorphus mulleri
3x Hemiplecta floweri
Last Babies from Paradigm/Arctic project ! Last Minute Hamm December
Best quality
Paradigm/Arctic Project
Last Minute for Hamm Show in December
Last Minute Hamm! VPI Babies high quality
Last Minute for Hamm December
High quality VPI Babies
Best Health and of course free delivery
0.0.1 Tiliqua sp. "Irian Jaya" | Blauzungenskink
0.0.1 Tiliqua sp. "Irian Jaya" cb Juni 2024 -
Irian Jaya Blauzungenskink
Zur Abgabe steht eines meiner Tiliqua sp. "Irian Jaya" Jungtiere. Das Tier hat eine außerordentlich schöne Färbung und Bänderung. Eine Übergabe in Hamm im Dezember wäre möglich. | |
One baby blue-tongue skink from June 2024 is available. The animal has an extraordinarily beautiful coloring and banding. A handover in Hamm in December would be possible.
Verschiedene Phelsuma | P. guimbeaui, P. borbonica, P. parkeri
3.2 Phelsuma borbonica agalegae
1.1 Phelsuma parkeri
0.0.1 Phelsuma standingi
0.1 Phelsuma guimbeaui
Eine Übergabe in Hamm im Dezember wäre möglich. Die Fotos in der Anzeige sind Beispielfotos meiner Tiere./
I can offer
offspring of different Phelsuma species. Handover in Hamm in December is possible. Pictures in the ad are example pics.
1.2.x Nephrurus amyae CB 23/24
1.2 Nephrurus amyae ~20-25g, as well as babies/juveniles from this season available. Delivery to Hamm this weekend. No trades.
Nephrurus Levis 0.4 Hamm, ZE
Im offer Nephrurus Levis 4x female 0.4
1x CB22 3xCB23
All 1100€
Each 350€
Pickup Hamm, ZE
Tiger beetle - captive breed - for Hamm only
Cicindela aurulenta 'Phuket'
Easy to keep and breed. Day active, larva and adult feed on crickets and Droso. Stunning Larva behavior as well!
Adult - 20€
Phelsuma robertmertensi for Hamm
Hi, I can offer for a friend :
3,0 Phelsuma robertmertensi
CB 2023
For Hamm only: Camponotus largiceps
Camponotus largiceps 'Halimun', Java Indonesia:
Colony start Queen + Larva: 35€ (5x100€)
Elaphe for December Hamm
4,5 E. climacophora - CB 24
6,5 E. anomala - CB 24
1,1 E. bimaculata - adult
1,1 C. helena - CB 24
Main hall, row 24.
Table in the name of Marek Pečenka
For Hamm december, Malaclemys and Graptemys
-Malaclemys terrapin centrata - blue concentric
-Malaclemys terrapin macrospilota
-Graptemys flavimaculata
V. salvator - komaini for Hamm
For sale 2.2 with DNA test.
Main hall, row 24.
Table in the name of Marek Pečenka
Looking RFB female Hamm December
I am looking for a confirmed RFB female for Hamm on December 14
Nephrurus cinctus CB2024 for Dec Hamm
For the December Hamm Show:
1.1.2 Nephrurus cinctus - patternless (1.1 almost adult, 0.0.2 young)
PM me for details.
3.0 Gonyosoma prasinum for Hamm
Für Hamm oder zum abholen:
3.0 Gonyosoma prasinum von 8/24 120€
Leachianus, Chahoua and Nephrurus for Hamm
Last call for next Hamm show December
R. Leachianus Nuu Ami 0.0.3 CB24 150 euro each, 400 euro all
M. Chahoua CB2024 40 euro each
C. Cilliatus 2.0 CB22 30 euro with tail 20 without tail
N. Cinctus CB24 30 euro each
Pictures under request.
Verkaufe 0.1 Nephrurus laevissimus und andere Australische geckos
Hallo ich gebe ein paar meiner geckos ab da ich meinen bestand etwas verkleinern möchte .
Abgabe liste
0.1 Nephrurus Leavissimus cb 21
1.1 Nephrurus Amaye cb 22
1.1 Nephrurus Asper cb22
1.3Underwoodisaurus Husbandi albino cb 23 next season ready to breed
0.0.1 Underwoodisaurus husbandi albino cb 24
1.1 Diplodactylus furcosus cb 23
2.2 Vipergeckos (Hemidactylus imbricatus)cb 22
Übergabe in Hamm möglich
Heterixalus alboguttatus DNZ
Biete für Hamm Show am Samstag
Heterixalus alboguttatus NZ 0.0.35 an,
Sind futterfest, fressen kleine Heimchen und Terflys,
hamm Premium ads [Page 10]
Vorbestellung / preorder Terraristika Hamm 14.12.24 **bis zu - 25 %**
Für Vorbestellung Terraristika Hamm 14.12.24:
Sonderaktion 20 Jahre Exotenzucht - Haag
Bis zu 25 % Rabatt // up to 25% discount
Cyriopagopus "purple zebra"cf. albostriatus
0.1 ca. 3 cm Körper : 100,-
0.1 subadult / adult 110,- (= 20% Rabatt)
Theraphosa Weibchen - Paket >>>> 240,- (= 13% Rabatt)
0.1 Theraphose apophysis ca. 3-4 cm Körper
0.1 Theraphosa blondi ca. 3-4 cm Körper
0.1 Theraphosa strimi ca. 3-4 cm Körper
Theraphosa Spiderling - Paket >>>> 65,- (= 19% Rabatt)
1 x Theraphosa stirmi, 1.-2. FH
1 x Theraphosa blondi, 1.-2. FH
Theraphosa Pärchen - Paket >>>> 300,- (= 15 % Rabatt)
1.1 Theraphosa apophysis, ca. 2,5 cm Körper:
1.1 Theraphosa blondi ca. 3 cm Körper
1.1 Theraphosa stirmi ca. 3 cm Körper
Thailand Spiderling - Paket: >>>> 85,- (= 23% Rabatt)
1 x Chilobrachys spec. South Thailand blue, 2. FH
1x Cyriopagopus albostriatus (Nakhon Ratchasima), ca. 1,5 cm Körper
1x Cyriopagopus spec. big black, ca. 1 cm Körper
1x Cyriopagopus "purple zebra" cf. albostriatus, 2. FH
1x Ornithoctonus aureotibialis, ca. 1,5 cm Körper
Vietnam Spiderling - Paket: >>>> 150,- (= 25% Rabatt)
1 x Citharognathus tongmianensis, ca. 1 cm Körper
1 x Cyriopagopus schmidti "Ke Bang", ca. 1 cm Körper
1 x Ornithoctoninae spec. Vietnam Silver, ca. 1 cm Körper
1 x Ornithoctoninae spec. HCM, ca. 1cm Körper
1 x Ornithoctoninae spec. Phan cay red, ca. 1 cm Körper
Seltene Asiaten Spiderling - Paket:>>>> 215,- (= 25% Rabatt)
1 x Chilobrachys spec. South Thailand blue, 2. FH
1 x Coremiocnemis hoggi, 2. FH
1 x Cyriopagopus "purple zebra", 2. FH
1 x Ornithoctoninae spec. Vietnam Silver, ca. 1 cm Körper
1 x Ornithoctoninae spec,. HCM ca. 1 cm Körper
1 x Ornithoctoninae spec. Phan cay red, ca. 1 cm Körper:
1.1 Poecilotheria metallica, 1.0 3-4 cm / 0.1 subadult: 140,-
1.1 Theraphosa blondi, je ca. 3-4 cm Körper: 120,-
1.1 Theraphosa stirmi, je ca. 3 cm Körper: 90,-
1.1 Ornithoctonus spec. Ranong blue, je ca. 3 cm Körper: 115,-
05 x Birupes simoroxigorum, 2. FH: 110,-
05 x Citharognathus tongmianensis, ca. 1 cm Körper: 75,-
05 x Chilobrachys sec. South Thailand blue, 2. FH: 125,-
05 x Cyriopagopus spec. "Big black", ca. 1 cm Körper: 45,-
10 x Cyriopagopus spec. "Big black", ca. 1 cm Körper: 80,-
05 x Cyriopagopus hainanus, ca. 1 cm Körper: 85,-
05 x Cyriopagopus schmidti "ke bang", ca. 1 cm Körper: 85,-
05 x Coremiocnemis hoggi, ca. 2. FH: 225,-
05 x Monocentropus balfouri, ca. 2cm Körper: 70,-
05 x Ornithoctonus spec. uthai thani, 2. FH: 40,-
10 x Ornithoctonus spec. uthai thani, 2. FH: 75,-
05 x Ornithoctoninae spec. Vietnam silver, 1cm body: 150,-
10 x Ornithoctoninae spec. Vietnam silver: 280,-
05 x Ornithoctoninae spec. HCM, ca. 1-1,5 cm Körper: 200,-
05 x Ornithoctoninae spec. "phan cay red", ca. 1 cm Körper: 300,-
05 x Pamphobeteus cf. antinous, 2. FH: 125,-
05 x Poecilotheria regalis, 1 cm Körper: 40,-
05 x Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli, 1,5 cm Körper: 50,-
05 x Poecilotheria ornata, 1 cm Körper: 40,-
05 x Theraphosa blondi, 1.-2. FH: 200,-
10 x Theraphosa blondi, 1.-2. FH: 350,-
05 x Theraphosa stirmi, 1.-2. FH: 150,-
10 x Theraphosa stirmi, 1.-2. FH: 275,-
Auf alle anderen Tiere der Preisliste gibt es 10% Rabatt.
Gesamtliste auf www.exotenzucht-haag.de
Looking for Kunashir island japanese ratsnakes!
Im looking for elaphe climacophora "Kunashir" for a breeding project. Offer all ages please!
I am in Hamm 14-12
Ich suche elaphe climacophora Kunashir" fur ein zuchtproject. Alle alter anbiete bitte.
Ich bin in Hamm 14-12
Whatsapp +31657592311
Claudius, Chelodina, Mauremys, Kinosternon ....
For Hamm :
- 0.1 Chelodina ( rugosa ) siebenrocki adult **SOLD**
- 2.2 Claudius angustatus, adults, LTC, The narrow-bridged musk turtle
- 5 x Claudius angustatus, CB, babies, The narrow-bridged musk turtle
- 0.2 x Melanochelys trijuga thermalis, Indian black turtle, adults
- 2.2 x Staurotypus triporcatus , Mexican musk turtle
- 1.1 Mauremys nigricans, 12-14 centimeters, the Red-necked Pond Turtle and youngs
- 2.2 Kinosternon acutum, adults
- 50 Pelusios castaneus 6-8 cm and 8-10 cm
- 1x Kinosternon acutum, Tabasco mud turtle, baby
- 1.2 Kinosternon hirtipes, Chihuahuan Mud Turtle, adults
- 1 x Manouria emys phayrei, Burmese Mountain Tortoise, young
- 0.4x Mauremys (ocadia) sinensis, sub and adults
- 2x Chelodina parkeri, Parker's snake-necked turtle; babies
- 1x Pangshura tentoria, Indian Tent Turtle, young
- 2 x Sternotherus ( Kinosternon ) odoratus, adults **SOLD**
- 2x Sacalia quadriocellata **SOLD***
More species on our webshop : https://www.lafermetropicale.com/
We can bring animals with pre-order, but only with deposit by PayPal
Mores infos by mail or Whatsapp : + 33 6 69 64 16 72
Dylan, La Ferme Tropicale
Crocodilurus, Tiliqua, Varanus, Riopa, Dasia, Lamprolepis...
For Hamm :
- 3x Crocodilurus amazonicus, Crocodile Tegu, babies CB24
- 3.3 Lygodactylus conraui, WC Togo, dwarf gecko
- 30x Varanus exanthematicus **20 RESERVED *
- 5.0 Agama agama WC Togo
- 1.1 Tribolonotus gracilis, WC, Red eye crocodile skink
- 2.2 Tribolonotus novaeguineae, WC, The white-eyed crocodile skink
- 4 x Varanus niloticus, young, CB - Nile Monitor *** ALL RESERVED**
- 5x Underwoodisaurus milli, thick-tailed gecko
- 2x Tiliqua gigas evanescens, adults, blue-tongued skink *** ALL RESERVED***
- 2.2 Mochlus (Riopa) fernandi adults - fire skink
- 5x Mochlus (Riopa) fernandi babies - fire skink
- 1x Pseudogekko smaradginus
- 4.4 x Lamprolepis smaragdina, WC, " Selayar " emerald tree skink ***2.2 RESERVED***
- 1.1 Eublepharis fuscus - West Indian leopard gecko
- 2.2x Hydrosaurus microlophus, The Indonesian giant sailfin dragon, young
- 1x Hypsilurus auritus *** RESERVED***
- 4.0 x Tropidophorus sinicus, Chinese water skink
- 3x Pseudopus (Ophisaurus) apodus thracius
- 0.2 Gonocephalus chamaeleontinus, chameleon forest dragon
- 4x Varanus Salvator, young, water monitor, ***RESERVED***
- 5x Dasia olivacea, olive tree skink
- 1x Lialis jicari, WC, Jicar's snake-lizard
- 4x Pachydactylus tigrinus, babies, CB
- 3x Strophurus ciliaris, CB
- 1.0x Strophurus taenicauda, CB
- 5x Tiliqua gigas gigas, babies, blue-tongued skink
- 50x Hemidactylus brooki
1.0 Paleosuchus palpebrosus, Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman, 90-100 cm
More species on our webshop : https://www.lafermetropicale.com/
We can bring animals with pre-order, but only with deposit by PayPal
More infos by mail or Whatsapp : + 33 6 69 64 16 72
Dylan, La Ferme Tropicale
Offer for HAMM Terraristika 14th Dec...row 32 main hall
Hamm only, NO shipping / derzeit KEIN Versand
Persönliche Abholung nach Absprache möglich
Aeluropoda insignis - 15 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Archimandrita tesselata - 10 Stück mixed, 20.00 €
Asiablatta kyotensis - ca. 40 Stück all size, 10.00 €
Balta notulata - ca. 30 - 40 Stück all size, 10.00 €
Blaberus craniifer "Black Wing" - 10 Stück mixed, 10€
Byrsotria cabrerai - 10 Stück mixed, 18.00 €
Deropeltis spec. "Masai Mara " - 10 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Drymaplaneta semivitatta - 15 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Elliptorhina laevigata - 10 St,mix 25.00 €
Epilamprinae sp. "Kota Kinabalu", - 10 Stück mixed, 20.00 €
Ergaula pilosa - 15 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Eucorydia yasumatsui - 10 Stück mixed, 30.00 €
Eupolyphaga sinensis - 10 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Eurycotis opaca spec. 1 - 10 St mix, 10€/100x 35€
Eurycotis opaca spec. 2 - 10 St mix, 15€/100x 50€
Euthlastoblatta abortiva - 20 Stück all size, 10.00 €
Euthyrrhapha pacifica - 10 Stück mixed, 35.00 €
Gyna centurio - 10 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Lucihormetica verrucosa 10 St mix,15 €/ 10x 30€
Neostylopyga rhombifolia - 10 Stück mixed, 10€/100x60€
Opisthioplatia orientalis - 10 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Paranauphoeta formosana - 10 Stück mixed, 35.00 €
Parcoblatta fulvescens -20 Stück all size, 10.00 €
Periplaneta americana Black "White Eye" - 40 St, 10€
Pseudoglomeris magnifica - 10 Stück mixed, 35.00 €
Pseudoglomeris tarsalis - 10 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Pycnoscelus nigra - ca. 100 Stück all size, 10.00 €
Pycnoscelus striatus - ca.100 Stück all size, 10.00 €
Tagaloblatta spec. Okinawa - 15-20 Stück all size, 15.00 €
Therea olegrandjeani - 10 Stück mixed, 18.00 €
Ectrichodia distinctus - 10Stück mixed 35€
Platymeris biguttata - 5 St mix 10€ / 10 St. 15 €/50x 50€
Platymeris guttatipennis - 5 Stück mixed, 20 € / 10 St. 35€
Platymeris laevicollis - 5 Stück mixed, 22€ / 10 St. 40.00 €
Psytalla horrida - 5 Stück mixed, 30 € / 10 St. 50.00 €
Homoeogryllus xanthographus - 10 Stück mixed, 10.00 €
Teleogryllus mitratus - 10 Stück mixed, 12.00 €
Varanus Macraei for next Hamm 12/2024
Ich habe für Hamm im Dezember, 3 Varanus Macraei abzugeben. Die Tiere sind von 12/2019(1.0); 11/2020(1.0) und 07/2023(0.0.1).
Mehr Informationen gerne per Email.
I have 3 Varanus Macraei for next Hamm. The animals are from 12/2019(1.0); 11/2020(1.0) and 07/2023(0.0.1).
More information via email.
Best regards,
Gonysoma, Boiga, Python, Elaphe, Candoia, Xenodermus
For Hamm :
1.1 Drymobius margaritiferus, Speckled Racer, CB2024 ,yellow form from Nicaragua.
1.2 Morelia viridis, green python, babies red and yellow, " Biak" ***RESERVED***
3.3 Morelia viridis, green python, medium, " Biak " *** RESERVED***
5x Chrysopelea paradisi babies and medium, paradise flying snake
2.2 Morelia viridis, adults, " Aru "
0.2 Morelia viridis, young, " Manokwari "
1.0 Morelia viridis, adults, " Sorong "
2.2 Lamprophis fuliginosus, snake house, black and normal
1.0 Gonyosoma margaritatum, rainbow tree snake adult, WC - RARE
0.1 Gonyosoma margaritatum, rainbow tree snake, babie - RARE
0.1 Gonyosoma margaritatum, rainbow tree snake adult, WC - RARE ***SOLD***
2.0 Chrysopelea pelias,the banded flying snake, WC
1.1 Oreocryptophis (Elaphe) porphyraceus pulchra CB 24
3.2 Boiga dendrophila, black / yellow, babies ***2.2 RESERVED**
1.1 Boiga dendrophila, black / white, babies
2.3 Dasypeltis gansii, adults, egg-eating snake
0.2 Subsessor (enhydris) bocouti, sub / adults WC LTC
2.2 Epicrates maurus CB24 & 2.2 CB22 (very good price !)
0.1 Loxocemus bicolor, Mexican Burrowing Python, adult LTC
2.2 Pareas carinatus, Keeled slug-eating snake
3x Scaphiophis albopunctatus, African Hook-nosed Snake, young
1.1 Candoia aspera
2.0 Candoia paulsoni paulsoni CB 23
1.1 Candoia (carinata) paulsoni tasmai ***1.0 RESERVED***
1.2 Elaphe carinata, albinos, the king ratsnake CB23
2.2 Elaphe quatuorlineata, four-lined snake, CB23
1.1 Eryx (Gongylophis) muelleri, WC, adults
1.1 Eryx tataricus, Tatary Sand Boa
1.1 Gonyosoma jansenii, WC
1.0 Gonyosoma jansenii, Black Selayar WC ***RESERVED***
1.1 Gonyosoma oxycephala, red-tailed green rat snake, WC
2.2 Gonyosoma oxycephala, babies, green ***1.2 RESERVED**
0.2 Gonyosoma oxycephala, babies, gray
1.1 Xenopeltis unicolor – Sunbeam snake
2 Acrochordus granulatus ***RESERVED***
2.2 Xenodermus javanicus - dragonsnake **RESERVERD***
0.1 Boiga cynodon, sub adulte - the dog-toothed cat snake ***RESERVED**
1.0 Python (curtus) brongersmai, medium
Order possible only with deposit.
More species on our shop : https://www.lafermetropicale.com/
I can bring animals for you on the show if preorder!
More infos by mail or Whatsapp : + 33 6 69 64 16 72
See you, Dylan
Gekos for next Hamm 14.12.2024
Rhacodactylus auriculatus babies mix color 100pcs
Rhacodactylus leachianus babies 50pcs
Nephrurus amyae 2023 pairs
Nephrurus amyae 2024 pairs
Heteronotia bionei adult 30pcs
Discount only reservation for Houten/Hamm december
***Reservation only Hamm***
2.2 BlackHead Clown 500/600 ea
3.4 Clown Pied 350/500
0.2 Super Enchi DesertGhost Clown het. Pied
0.2 Enchi Clown DH DesertGhost Pied
0.2 Clown DH DesertGhost Pied
1.2 Enchi TH DesertGhost Clown Pied 150/500 ea
1.2 TH DesertGhost Clown Pied 150/500 ea
1.2 Super Enchi Clown het. DesertGhost 600/800 ea
1.0 Super Enchi DesertGhost Clown 1750
1.1 Enchi het. DesertGhost 66% het.Clown 150 pair
0.1 DesertGhost Pied
0.1 YB (OD) Pied het. DesertGhost 500
0.1 YB DH DesertGhost Pied 200
1.2 DesertGhost het. Pied 200/300 ea
0.2 Pied het. DesertGhost 300 ea
0.1 Pied het. Clown 200
0.1 Pastel het. Clown 200
1.2 Clown het. Pied 150/200 ea
0.1 Mojave Clown 150
0.1 DesertGhost Pied '22 1,5kg
1.0 DesertGhost Pied '22 *Smiley* 1750
0.1 DesertGhost het. Pied '19 2,3kg 1500
0.1 Pied 66% het. DesertGhost '19 2,8kg 300
1.0 Super Enchi Clown 66% het. DesertGhost '23 350
0.3 DH Clown Pied '16-'17 1,9kg-2.8kg 300 ea
0.1 Pied 66% het. Clown '19 2,5kg 250
0.1 Super Enchi DesertGhost Crypton '23 1kg
0.1 Crypton 66% het.DesertGhost '23 1,2 kg 250
1.0 Super Enchi Crypton 66% het. DesertGhost '21 100
1.0 Super Enchi DesertGhost het. Cryptic '21 300
0.1 Enchi Crypton 66% het. DesertGhost '21 2kg 250
0.1 Mojave BlackHead Clown '21 2kg 1750
*weights are +/-
Special offers!!!
- Pantherophis bairdi cb 24 => 79,-
- Morelia spilota mcdowelli cb 24 => 145,-
- Spalerosophis diadema => 55,-
- Intellagama (Physignatus) lesueurii => 399,-
- Varanus acanthurus cb medium => 350 ,-
- Pleurodeles waltl cb => 29,-
- Rhacophorus maximus => 49,-
- Lepidobatrachus laevis cm small => 69,-
- Dyscophus antongilli cb small => 65,-
- Gongylophis c. loveridgei cb small
- Gongylophis c. loveridgei “Striped“ cb small
- Gongylophis c. loveridgei “Albino“ cb small
- Gongylophis c. loveridgei “Snow“ cb small
- Gongylophis c. loveridgei “Axanthic“ cb small
- Gongylophis c. loveridgei “Axanthic striped “ cb small
- Gongylophis conicus cb small
- Oreocryptophis p.coxi cb small
- Orthriophis moellendorffi cb small
- Thamnophis sirtalis “Florida Blue”
- Thamnophis sauritus nitae
- Thamnophis butleri
- Opheodrys aestivus
- Storeria dekayi
- Indotyphlops braminus
- Uromastyx princeps cb small
- Xenagama taylori
- Chlamydosaurus kingie
- Sceloporus cyanogenys
- Basiliscus vittatus
- Anolis carolinensis
- Anolis sagrei
- Anolis coelestinus
- Anolis m. marmoratus cb medium
- Anolis cristatellus
- Gonatodes albogularis fuscus
- Pristurus carteri "masirah"
- Hemidactylus imbricatus
- Lygodactylus conraui
- Furcifer pardalis "Nosy be, Ambilobe blue + red Bar, Tamatave
- Varanus panoptes cb medium
- Shinisaurus crocodylurus cb small
- Lacerta viridis cb small
- Gastropholis prasina cb medium
- Dalmatolacerta oxycephala cb small
Tortoises + Wood Turtles + Turtles
- Centrochelys sulcate cb 23
- Stigmochelys pardalis babcocki cb small
- Testudo horsfieldii 10 cm
- Rhinoclemmys funereal
- Cuora flavomarginata
- Cuora mouhotii
- Sternotherus odoratus cb small
- Kinosternon leucostomum cb small
- Mauremys mutica kami cb small
- Emydura subglobosa cb small
- Phrynops geoffroanus
Newts and Salamanders
- Ambystoma tigrinum
- Pseudotriton ruber ruber
- Neurergus crocatus
- Tylototriton verucosus cb small
- Bombina orientalis cb small
- Hyla cinerea
- Hyla arborea
- Phyllomedusa bicolor cb small
- Theloderma asperum cb small
- Theloderma vietnamense cb small
- Theloderma leporosum cb small
- Adelphobates galactonotus cb small
- Bufo alvarius
- Gecarcinus quadratus
- Coenobita compressus
- Coenobita clypeatus
More pictures on request!
More animals under:
or write us an e-mail to:
Your team from Reptilienkosmos
Looking for leucistic Swiss line N. kaouthia, C. cerastes and more
PREMIUM Looking for a leucistic swiss line Naja kaouthia, preferably from '24, male or female.
Also for Cerastes cerastes and Bitis rhinoceros
Offering good prices and would prefer to pick up at Hamm in December. Thanks in advance!
Suche Verstorbene Tiere zur Präparation / Skelettpräparation
Ich bin Hobbypräparator und suche auf diesem Weg verstorbene Tiere um meine Sammlung an Schädeln und Skelettpräparaten zu erweitern. Vielleicht habt Ihr ja das ein oder andere verstorbene Exemplar im Froster was Ihr abgeben würdet. Versand sollte möglich sein oder Übergabe auf Börsen wie Hamm und Houten. Je nach Tierart und Größe ist auch eine Abholung möglich.
Bitte alles anbieten :)
Vielen Dank
Varanus Macraei blauer Baumwaran
Ich habe wunderschöne Varanus Macraei 0.0.4 ENZ von 06.09&12.09 abzugeben.Die kleinen sind Futterfest,Agil und bereit für ein neues Zuhause.
Übergabe in Hamm möglich.
Fiano Romano, Hamm, Houten, Ziva Exotica
Siebebrockiella crassicollis
Kinosternon acutum
Pseudemys gorzugi
Cuora flavomarginata
Amyda cartilaginea
Apalone ferox
Adult proven breeders:
1,1 Pelomedusa subrufa /variabilis/
1,3 Pelusius carinatus
1,1 Cuora amboinensis Cuoro
1,2 Cuora amboinensis Kamaroma
1,4 Kinosternon cruentatum
6 Chacophrys pierottii 3-4cm Very Rare!
40+ Lepidobatrachus laevis
10+ Bufo marinus 7-12cm
150+ Ceratophrys cranwelli many color
14 Ceratophrys fantasy Green 6cm
Looking for Apalone mutica, spinifera, Morenia, Dogania, Terrapene ornata, Ceratophrys stolzmanni
Abronias verschiedene Arten different species
Ich muss leider aus privaten Gründen meinen Bestand auflösen. Die Anlage mit den Terrarien kann auch gekauft werden.
Unfortunately I have to liquidate my inventory for personal reasons. The system with the terrariums can also be purchased.
1.0 Vasconselosii Adult
1.0 Fimbriata
0.1 Fimbriata
1.0 Taeniata Light
0.1 Taeniata Light
1.0 Smithi Adult
1.0 Campbelli Adult
0.2 Campbelli Adult
Handover in Houten or Hamm possible.
herps buy, sell and exchange.
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