bitis standard ads [Page 3]
Suche Westliche Gabunviper (Bitis gabonica rhinoceros)
Ich suche 1.1 Westliche Gabunviper (Bitis gabonica rhinoceros) Jungtiere in naturfarben und albino, entweder für Hamm im September 24 oder Hamm März 2025.
Wer Jungtiere erwartet bzw. bis dahin abzugeben hat darf sich gerne melden.
Natürlich nur mit allen erforderlichen und korrekten Unterlagen die zu den Tieren gehören.
Danke schonmal und LG

Bitis armata NZ 20 1-0 Hermanus
Gebe eine Bitis armata 2020 1-0 ab .
Frisst Frostfutter
Looking for Echis ssp. For next hamm
Looking for well eating specimens of
Echis ocellatus
Echis coloratus
Bitis peringueyi

Bitis arietans Lake Nakuru
1.1 Bitis arietans Lake Nakuru cb2018
first breeding 9.7
ready for the new season
possibility of exchange for another animal
Tel: +420739435903
Atheris , Bitis , Crotalus , Trimeresurus , Agkistrodon
T.albolabris 2.1 CB 5/22 / 200€
Crotalus vegrandis 0.1 CB20 / 100€
Crotalus cerastes 1.1 CB 6/22 / 240€
Bitis arietans 1.1 CB 5/22 (Lake nakuru)/ 200€
A.contortrix 1.1 (0.1 CB 20 , 1.0 CB 21)120€
Atheris squamigera 1.1 CB22 (1.0 green and yellow 0.1 ) 650€
Persönliche Abholung erforderlich !
Personal collection required !
Nach Absprache kann ich Terrarien, Thermostate und Heizgeräte hinzufügen . Persönliche Abholung im Raum München erforderlich . Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie mich per WhatsApp .
After consultation I can add terrariums, thermostats and heaters. Personal collection required in the Munich area. for more information contact me via whatsapp
0.1 Bitis cornuta 2020 hamm
Sell 0.1 bitis cornuta springbok 2020
Handover in hamm is possible
Looking for Bitis species for next hamm
Looking for Bitis caudalis
Bitis peringueyi
Looking for 1.0. Bitis rhinoceros
I'm looking for 1.0 Bitis rhinoceros (Togo or Ghana origin) CB 2020-2023. I should be in Plzen, CZ in late February and in Hamm in March.

Calloselasma rhodostoma for Hamm
0.1. Calloselasma rhodostoma (Malayan pit-viper) CB 2019 - perfect reproductive female available for Hamm 9.03.2024. Price is 80 EUR.
Open to some trades: 1.0. Bitis rhinoceros, 0.1. Crotalus molossus molossus.

Bitis nasicornis,A.squamigera,Erpeton,Bungarus
Squamigera, also adult females, this is a big form from democ.rep.of congo, these produce, unlike Congo, many, blue, red.prices 190+.2,0 b.nasicornis,high blue+high color,perfect,sizes erpeton tentaculatus 0,2 ..190 ,bung.flaviceps 580.Hamm no problem,for deposit.please only whats app +421905469145.

Agkistrodon & Calloselasma for Hamm
Available for Hamm, March 2024:
- 0.0.4. Agkistrodon (contortrix) laticinctus, CB 09.2023, from beautiful unrelated parents. 1 for 80 e, 2 for 150 e, all 4 for 280 e.
- 0.1. Calloselasma rhodostoma CB 2019. 80e.
Trades welcome for 0.1. Crotalus pyrrhus (white), 0.1. Crotalus molossus molossus (preferably Santa Rita), 1.0. Bitis rhinoceros (Togo or Ghana).
Suche Crotalus viridis Albino/het/caramel und verschiedene Vipern
Suche (speziell für Übergabe Börse Prag):
-0,1 Crotalus viridis het Albino/Albino/Caramel
-Sowie verschiedene Vipera Arten, Bitis
Bitis caudalis abzugeben €
Gebe ab
0.1 Bitis caudalis NZ 21 Ruimte 450,-

Bitis caudalis ruitme 2023
I sell 4.5 bitis caudalis
From July

for sale for houten snakeday
Following snakes for sale at snakeday next weekend (i have a table)
Bitis arietans "lake nakuru" CB 7/2023 50€ each
Crotalus basiliscus CB 7/2023 200€ each , 350€ pair
Daboia russelli "pakistan" CB 8/2023 150€ each , 250€ pair
Naja annulifera "banded form" CB 7/2023 60€ each , 100€ pair
Naja naja "sri lanka" CB 2021 around 1 meter long 250€ pair

Giftschlangen , Bitis , Atheris , Crotallus , ...
T.albolabris 2.1 CB 5/22
Crotalus cerastes 1.1 CB 6/22
Crotalus vegrandis 0.1 CB 21
Bitis arietans 1.1 CB 5/22 (Lake nakuru)/
T.trigonocephlaus 1.1 CB 7/22 /
A.contortrix 2.1 (0.1 CB 20 , 2.0 CB 21,22)
Atheris squamigera 1.1 CB22 (green and yellow)
Kontaktieren Sie uns per WhatsApp
+421917631845 .

Diverse NZ Giftschlangen @snakeday
0.1 Crotalus atrox melanistic cb 2021 400 euro
1.1 Crotalus atrox het. Melanistic 2022 70 euro each
0.1 Sistrurus m. barbouri striped cb 2023 120 euro
0.1 Bitis caudalis ruimte cb 22 500 euro
2.1 Oxyuranus scuttatus canni cb23 400 each
0.1 Oxyuranus s. canni cb22 450
Also soon available cb23 crotalus atrox melanistic and "bubblegum"
We have a table at Snakeday Houten

Diverse Giftschlangen zu verkaufen
Zum verkauf stehen:
1.1.0 Naja annulifera adult
0.0.1 Naja annulifera juvenil
0.0.2 Naja kaouthia albino adult
1.0.0. Naja nigricollis
1.0.0 Bitis arietans arietans semiadult
1.0.0 Protobothrops jerdonii xantomelas adult

Bitis rhinoceros Gaboonviper Pair
Bitis rhinoceros
Western Gaboonviper NZ2022 Pair
Perfekt Eater
Looking for different species. Bitis, Crotalus, etc
I am looking for snakes of the following species in Spain or transport to Spain: Bitis, Crotalus, Ophiophagus, Vipera, Cobra, Lachesis, Bothriechis, Tropidolaemus, etc. I prefer young or baby snakes. Make your offers. Greetings
bitis Premium ads [Page 3]
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.